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这组照片捕捉到了一个U型湖的发展过程。These images capture the development of an oxbow lake.

U型湖干掉后的曲流痕往往孕育出湿地。Wetlands often develop in the meander scars of dried-up oxbow lakes.

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深州市地处黑龙港流域滹沱河故道,为冲积平原。City is located in the deep basin Heilonggang Hutuo OXBOW for the alluvial plain.

储层厚度、振幅和频率分析方法则用于对牛轭湖沉积砂岩体进行含油性研究。Therefore the oxbow lake deposits can be traced and described by slice and 3 D visualization.

U型湖作为水体的一种也许能持续一段时间,尤其当地下水汇进来。An oxbow lake may survive as a water body for some time, especially if groundwater seeps into it.

因而选用鳞片作为鉴定长江天鹅洲故道短颌鲚年龄的材料。So squama was selected to judge the age of C. brachynathus in Swan oxbow of the Yangtse River. 4.

在这张图片的顶部,河中的一个弯曲几乎已经从主河道中分离出去,成为一个牛轭湖了。Near the top of this image, a bend in the river has almost separated from the main channel to become an oxbow lake.

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这些照片中正在形成的U型湖东面东北面是另一个湖,两者的成长史异曲同工。East-northeast of the oxbow lake forming in these images is another lake that probably developed in similar fashion.

储层厚度、振幅和频率分析方法则用于对牛轭湖沉积砂岩体进行含油性研究。A method for prediction of oil potential of the oxbow lake deposits is developed based on reservoir thickness, amplitude and frequency.

“U形弯曲”设计,为USACE创造了一个开放的、协作的工作环境,象征着他们肩负“牢固建筑”的使命。The "oxbow" design creates an open, collaborative workplace environment for the USACE, emblematic of their mission of "Building Strong.

图中显示的一段位于阿肯色州及密西西比州交界,在田纳西州孟菲斯的南面。Countless oxbow lakes and cutoffs accompany the meandering river south of Memphis, Tennessee, on the border between Arkansas and Mississippi.

本底调查和试养江豚的结果表明,长江天鹅洲故道是建立白豚半自然保护区的理想场所。After about two years'observation and monitoring, our results indicated that the oxbow is ideal as a semi-natural habitat for the fin-less porpoises.

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桩106井区油藏基本地质特征研究揭示油藏类型为牛轭湖沉积的岩性油藏。Study of the basic geological characters for reservoir in Zhuang 106 survey area reveals that the reservoir is a lithological one of oxbow lake deposits.

频整顿吏治,安定社会,发官仓赈济灾民,雇乡民疏通六门堰,按故道引水灌田。Frequency rectify the official, stable society, made official position relief victims, employed villagers to clear the six weirs, cited by oxbow pour field.

在U型湖的西面西南面,农业用地看来增加不少,但这些不同点也有可能是因为这组照片摄于不同季节。West-southwest of the developing oxbow lake, agricultural fields appear to have multiplied, but the differences may also be due to the fact that images were captured in different seasons.

Bortamuly用一个尖头镊子在阴囊的皮肤上刺个小洞,拉出白色绳状U形输精管——患者右睾丸的精子导管。Using the pointed tip of aforceps, Bortamuly made a tiny hole in the skin of the scrotum and pulled outan oxbow of white, stringy vas deferens—the sperm conduit from the patient’sright testicle.

应用水平切片和三维立体显示技术对牛轭湖沉积砂岩体进行追踪和描述,利用储层厚度、振幅和频率分析方法研究其含油性。Sedimentary sandstone body of oxbow istracked and described using horizontal slice and 3D stereo display techniques, and its lithology is studied by analyzingreservoir depth, amplitude and frequency.