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本项目常期采购。Long period purchase.

现在是选课期间This is shopping period.

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为什么这段时间被分成一个时间单元Why this period as a unit?

超出质量保证期。Beyond the warranty period.

那时就是半周期了。That gives us half a period.

什么是关键期?。What is the critical period?

陈述句的末尾应该有一句号。Ross is a girl of the period.

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危急的时期终于结束了。The critical period was over.

就是他这九个月的见习期。The period of being a novice.

我们可以测量半周期。We can measure half a period.

预期到一段时间的调整期。Expect a period of adjustment.

别罗唆了,好不好?我有时间就去做。I'll do it when I have period.

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周期是无限大。The period is infinitely long.

这一时期被称为。This period is called Chunyun.

从稳定期到公元950年Period of stability to A.D. 950

所以这是我的预测周期。So this is my predicted period.

所以我们要测量半周期。So we'll measure half a period.

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这就是“爱情空窗休整期”。This is called "boytox period".

那一时期的总史。A general history of the period.

月经后多少天算安全期?So called safety period be when?