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该集团结合掌握技术与音乐。The group combines mastery of technology with musicianship.

她的语言能力和音乐天赋是从小形成的。Her linguistic skills and musicianship were honed from a young age.

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他们是那么令人赞叹的音乐家,我从她们的音乐中得到启发和创作灵感。They are awesome musicians and I am very inspired by their musicianship.

有一种非常盛大隆重的感觉,音乐演奏的水准也极高。There is a great sense of occasion and a terrific standard of musicianship.

尽管在这里歌曲才是磁心,Blake的音乐才能和声能学也同样引人注目。While the songs are the magnetic center here, Blake's musicianship and sonics are equally striking.

但有另一个层面的音乐人才,他们使音乐家这个团体变得更为优秀。But there is another level of musicianship and talent above that where the club becomes much more elite.

在这里,感受到的是亲切、友谊和高水准的音乐。There is a tremendous felling of fellowship and friendliness, as well as an incredibly high standard of musicianship.

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他的独奏,以及协奏和室内乐演出,都展示了他的音乐才能和高超的演奏技巧。His recitals, as well as concerto and chamber performances, are imbued with musicianship and pianism of the highest order.

她的音乐才华和正直让她在二次大战后这一代的艺术界中稳稳地占有一席之地。Tebaldi had a musicianship and integrity that firmly places her, artistically speaking, in the post-World War II generation.

没有了音乐感,艺术鉴别力会死去-梅纽因的陈述阐明了一个演奏者乐感的重要性。Virtuosity dies without musicianship – this statement by Yehudi Menuhin illustrates the importance of a performance's musicality.

那晚,力宏演出完美,一展他的舞姿、风趣和音乐才能。That night, Leehom delivered a polished performance, executing his dancing, bantering and musicianship with perfunctory precision.

他确信艺术是人类最圣洁的能力,远超过雕塑、写作或音乐才能。He believed art to be the noblest and greatest of all of man's abilities and of higher importance than sculpturing, writing or musicianship.

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翻唱乐队通常都不会像那些自行创作歌曲的乐队那样得到器重,即使是在其音乐造诣非常之高的情况下。Cover bands are not generally thought of as highly as those who write their own songs, even if their musicianship is of a very high standard.

李传韵是极受香港人喜爱的小提琴家,他天赋的音乐才华令每一次的演出都别具特色和令人振奋。Violinist Li Chuanyun is one of Hong Kong's favorite soloists whose spontaneous musicianship makes every performance a unique and exciting event.

翻唱乐队通常都不会像那些自行创作歌曲的乐队那样得到器重,即使是在其音乐造诣非常之高的情况下。Cover bands are not mostly intellection of as highly for those who jot their possess songs, modify if their musicianship is of a very lofty standard.

具有丰富乐队组合经验和深厚音乐修养,自2006年1月1日起左右乐队开始活跃北京摇滚乐舞台上。The band has a rich mix of experience and profound musicianship , since January 1, 2006 from active around the beginning of Beijing rock band on stage.

音乐行家队伍中非常有才华的演艺家们最有影响力的演出往往可能出乎人们意料之时。In a cavalcade of very talented performers from all walks of musicianship , perhaps one of the most impressive performances was delivered by the most unexpected.

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该协会通过为学校和市民组织众多的音乐会和竞赛在提高新加坡音乐修养标准方面发挥了核心作用,它还通过演讲、研讨会和工作坊形式提供音乐教育。The society plays a central role in raising the standard of musicianship in Singapore through its numerous concerts and competitions organized for schools and the public.

D大调奏鸣曲与前四部截然不同,在芬科尔先生低沉的乐音和吴女士细腻的技巧处理下,深刻展示了作品缓慢的乐章。The D major Sonata, unlike the previous four, offers a fully developed slow movement, an impressive showcase for Mr. Finckel’s rich tone and Ms. Wu’s sensitive musicianship.

一个仔细听摇滚乐的人可以从中找到人类那深刻而敏感的内心,高尚的诗歌,合理的社会批评,充满灵感的演出和高超的音乐水准。The person who cares to listen closely to rock can find examples of deep human sensitivity, elevated poetry, valid social criticism, inspired performing, and expert musicianship.