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你不能结束动员直到战争结束。You cannot demobilize while still at war.

现在我们把兵统统裁掉好不好?Would it be all right to demobilize all our troops now?

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我们不接受安盟再无军队要遣散的说法。We do not accept that UNITA has no more troops to demobilize.

后来,桑娅被主人当作遣散费送给了本·科恩。Later, sang Ya is regarded as by host demobilize cost sent Ben Cohen.

随着部队的不断撤离,一些部队单位将复员。As this progressive withdrawal takes place, a number of units shall demobilize.

他要解雇杨致远,取消遣散计划,强迫雅虎出售给微软。He should fire Yang Zhiyuan, cancel demobilize to plan, force Yahoo to sell Microsoft.

所有和平协议应包括复原和将童兵重新融入社会的具体措施。All peace agreements should include specific measures to demobilize and reintegrate child soldiers into society.

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但是这种共识认为,虔诚军的问题将在遣散巴基斯坦国内武装组织的进程的末尾才能得以解决。But the consensus is that dealing with Lashkar will come at the tail end of any process to demobilize militant groups in the country.

然而,虽然他提供了其中一些童兵们的消息,但是却没有打算要放走这些孩子的意思。He met with the commander of the RCD forces, who provided information on some of the children but said that there were no plans to demobilize them.

目的了解武警即将复员战士的心理健康状况,并对即将复员与非复员战士的心理健康状况进行比较,为武警部队开展心理卫生工作提供科学依据。OBJECTIVE To explore the mental health of the soldiers who would demobilize in Chinese People's Armed Police Forces , and compare their mental health with common soldiers.