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你蹦跳着上楼梯。You scamper up that ladder.

好了,赶快回去你的树林去吧,小朋友。Okay, scamper on back to the woods, little buddy.

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噼哩啪啦,炸碎脂肪,减掉落肉!Pi bang, scamper is broken adipose, reduce the meat!

浣熊妈妈看着奇奇跳过树枝,进入学校。Mrs. Raccoon watched Chester scamper across a tree limb and enter school.

这堆东西笨重而丑陋,小兔子第一个先跳开了。The objects looked cumbersome and ugly. The rabbits were the first to scamper away.

又多么驯服地随着他的竿头越过一个田野又一个山坡!How they obediently followed the bamboo pole to scamper over field, hillside after hillside!

这样,当我们听到钤响,便知道猫过来了,这样就能躲开它。Then, when we hear it ring, we shall know that she is coming, and can scamper out of her way.

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美餐一顿之后,灰狐狸蹦蹦跳跳的跑开了,尸体则被兀鹰啄食干净。Outweighed and out-numbered, the foxes scamper away, leaving the carcass to be stripped clean by the condors.

“让你见识一下”怪物说道,瞬间,他就变成了一只老鼠,还在地上快速地跑着。"You shall see, " replied the Ogre, and in an instant he became a mouse and began to scamper about the floor.

叶司令当场炸死,副官凌辉浑身是血受了重伤。Foliaceous commander on the spot scamper is dead, adjutant Ling Hui is blood sufferred serious injury all over.

消息在全家人中传开,顿时炸开了锅,所有亲戚都想尽办法去找。The message is in family philtrum get about, immediately scamper opened boiler, all kin think method to search.

在竹竿的指引下,这些小东西欢快地跳跃、走过了一片片原野,跨过了一道道山坡。How the little creatures jig- jigged the bamboo pole to scamper over field after field, hillside after hillside!

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因为绝大部分的长尾叶猴是栖在树上的,他们往往是疾走出没在沙漠悬崖上或者是栖息在附近的屋顶上。Since most langurs are tree dwellers, these often scamper high on the desert cliffs or perch on nearby rooftops.

怎么可以顺其自然,要是不使出点手段来,还不被这一干丫鬟踩到脚底下去了。How to scamper its way, if don't use some means, also be not crushed sole of foot by this stem servant girl to go.

我们的银河系实在庞大,吸引着数十个较小的星系环绕着它奔跑,恰似环绕巨大行星旋转的卫星。Indeed, our galaxy is so huge that dozens of lesser galaxies scamper about it, like moons orbiting a giant planet.

话刚落音,只见门啪一声开了,进来两只大恶狗,两只老鼠吓的撒腿就跑。Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge mastiffs , and the two mice had to scamper down and run off.

对于那些在烹饪方面需要指导、或已江郎才尽的人,食谱就是救星。For those who need guidance in their cooking, or for those who have just scamper out of ideas, recipes are lifesavers.

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汉斯在屋顶上装了炸药,企图把人质和联邦调查局的营救直升机一同炸掉。Hans made up in housetop dynamite, the purpose mixes hostage of the FBI rescue helicopter together scamper is dropped.

海盗们通常驾驶机动性很强的快艇迅速接近目标,利用梯子——有时候甚至用锈迹斑斑的锚钩——爬上甲板。The pirates use fast-moving skiffs to pull alongside their prey and scamper on board with ladders or sometimes even rusty grappling hooks.

已经厌倦了印印脚印和插插旗帜,他们不再有耐心去等着看尼尔和布兹蹦跳着搜集岩石了。Already bored with foot?printing and flag?planting, they weren't going to hang around to see Neil and Buzz scamper around collecting rocks.