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男人只有在好斗的时候才像男人。A men is virile only when he is belligerent.

一个全国好战的国家?A whole nation of belligerent , snappish people ?

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这个男人喝多了啤酒之后就变得爱寻衅滋事。The man became belligerent when he drank too much beer.

在任何情况下都不给交战国提供帮助。In no circumstances could any belligerent look to them for aid.

交战国双方同时调整了作战计画。The two belligerent parties have both changed their plans for war.

一些美国政客涂饰中国是武力恫吓的好战国家。Some U. S. politicians paint China to be a saber-rattling belligerent.

达尔生看他出去,脸上流露出迷惑不解的略有点斗气似的神情。Dalleson watched him with a puzzled and slightly belligerent expression.

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在寻找证据的过程中,他们也在把好战的朝鲜政府逼向死角。In doing so, it pushes the belligerent regime in Pyongyang into a corner.

刀锋所乘客轮被寻衅的日军巡查艇击中。Blade wheel was belligerent passengers by the Japanese patrolled boat hit.

事实上,他就会从一个明显的好战分子变得尽可能给你带来好处。Actually, he'll go from downright belligerent to being as benefic as can be.

出了名地好战的丹尼斯·希利也曾于意大利和北非服役。The famously belligerent Denis Healey also served in Italy and north Africa.

法国绝不会失去其同盟国方面的主要交战国之一的地位。France would never have ceased to be one of the principal belligerent allies.

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不过,现在我们可以发现巴罗佐已经成了一个令人目眩的好战分子。It turned out, however, that Barroso was on belligerent and coruscating form.

我们政府已经禁止向交战国输出石油。Our government has forbidden to export the petroleum to the belligerent countries.

尽管奥巴马请求暴君们“松开你们的拳头”,伊朗和朝鲜依然很有挑衅性。North Korea remained belligerent despite Mr Obama's plea to tyrannies to "unclench your fist".

克林姆林宫好像已经决定,与西方生闷气或陷入争论毫无意义。There is no point sulking or being belligerent with the West, the Kremlin seems to have decided.

小偷必须面对商店外的威胁或集团斗争。Shoplifters had to be confronted outside the store and would often become threatening or belligerent.

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一些鹰派人士认为美国在伊拉克的存在是一种保护来对抗交战国伊朗。Some came from hawks who see an American presence in Iraq as a protection against a belligerent Iran.

伊朗和北朝鲜仍然是好战的,即便奥巴马对暴政央求“松开你们的拳头”。Iran and North Korea remained belligerent despite Mr Obama's plea to tyrannies to "unclench your fist".

一个好战的美国可能在亚洲失去大量同盟力量,因为大部分国家都在寻求庇护。A belligerent United States would risk losing the very alliances in Asia that it was seeking to protect.