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我们必须细细察看并做出评价。We must scrutinize and evaluate.

你也会详审自己是怎么花钱的。You'll also scrutinize how you spend money.

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她探身向前,端详他们的面容。She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.

军官在注塑及细究这个文件将兽医。The officer at MOL will vet and scrutinize the documents.

老板亲自详察工作进展情况。The boss came to scrutinize how things were going on for himself.

仔细观察某些音的唇位,模仿你所看到的。Scrutinize how the lip forms certain sounds. Imitate what you see.

调控当局将密切监察在这个阶段的商业计划。Regulative authorities will closely scrutinize a business plan at this stage.

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最后,再次感激您核阅本人的自荐资料。Finally, thank you to scrutinize me once more to offer to volunteer the material.

面对求婚,在你说“我愿意”之前,请仔细检查你爱人的饮食习惯。Before you say, "I do, " scrutinize your lover's drinking habits. Or eating patterns.

十分感激您在百忙中能核阅本人的自荐书。Extremely thank you in to be very busy can scrutinize me to offer to volunteer the book.

你从远处知道我的意念。我行路,我躺卧,你都细察,你也深知我一切所行的。You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.

四个拿着手电筒的科学家把头伸进去,仔细地察看着。Four scientists with flashlights stick their heads inside his mouth and carefully scrutinize it.

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如果您想要喝一杯没有咖啡因的药茶,建议仔细看标签。If you want to drink a caffeine-free herbal tea simply for its taste, scrutinize the label carefully.

承康与一鸣再回到简洁睡房换窗铰时,细看模型屋内的家具。ChengKang and take back to change simple bedroom window hinge, scrutinize model the furniture of the room.

您当然在冠如华盖的巨大树荫下,慢慢端详,细细品味。You certainly in the hat if the huge shade under a tree of the cover, scrutinize slowly, small and soft tasty.

如果你仔细审视了自己的生活,你将会发现你在做许许多多违反了这种你思维种二分法。If you scrutinize your own life, you'll find you do plenty of things that violate the dichotomies in your mind.

您好!感激您正在百闲当中抽出工夫核阅我的自荐书,感谢!Thank you in spite of being very busy to extract the time to scrutinize me to offer to volunteer the book, thanks!

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因为僧侣必须不断地将他的思想转向上帝,他必须审察他思想的过程。Since the monk must continuously turn his thoughts toward God, he must scrutinize the actual course of his thought.

他们现在严格检查食物标签上是否有反式脂肪,并且从人造黄油改为食用对心脏健康更好的橄榄油。They now scrutinize labels for hazards like trans fats and have switched from margarine to heart-healthy olive oil.

当然,学者可以在后面的几年里仔细分析这次选举,但企业领导们现在开始就可以从中学到东西。Surely pundits will scrutinize this election for years to come. But business leaders can take its lessons right now.