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类石膏,油泥,蜡样雕刻。Class gesso, sludge, wax sample engraving.

他收藏了一张古老的伦敦桥版画。He collected an old engraving of London Bridge.

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介绍了一种基于传能光纤的激光雕刻机。We Discuss a optical-fiber-based laser engraving.

一块巨大的石灰岩上雕刻着法老的脸孔。A huge quartzite block had an engraving of a pharaoh.

CNC数控石材雕刻机进给倍率在线调整。In 5, CNC CNC engraving machine feed rate adjusted on-line.

那什么样的噪声才会对雕刻机产生影响呢?The what kind of noise will influence of engraving machine?

他们开始使用树脂版或者用激光雕刻来制版。They began to use resin version or laser engraving to ethan.

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不仅它配置准确无误,还能做一些小雕刻。Configured correctly though, it can also do simple engraving.

纪录一次手工雕版木活字印刷。Record the experience for Engraving movable type, hand-printed.

这种刻划符号是人类对生殖崇拜的表现。This kind of engraving signs is a symbol of reproductive worship.

你真的愿意支付的压花或雕刻或定制设计?Do you really want to pay for embossing or engraving or custom design?

用音乐雕刻生活,用“乐活”的生活态度积极地对待人生。Engraving life with music, facing life with a positive "Lohas" attitude.

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在人物雕刻艺术上,唐朝和宋朝是具有不同风格的。Figure engraving art in Tang and Song Dynasties showed different styles.

到我的公务室来看,你能找到五角星形的雕塑。Go look in my office, you should find an engraving of a pentagram there.

他亲自安排了这些镌刻,时间应该是在他回到英国之后。He had the engraving put on himself, probably when he returned to England.

本公司专业制作木制挂件,并提供专业激光雕刻切割加工。Our company produce wooden pendant, and offer laser engraving and cutting.

世界最古老的印刷术,是中国先民发明的雕版印刷。The oldest printing technology in the world is china's engraving printing.

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NCD71系列电火花成形机,数控镗床、电脑雕刻机。NCD71 series of EDM machines, CNC boring machine, computer engraving machine.

与激光机,雕刻机,等离子机配合使用。With the laser machine, engraving machine, plasma machine used in conjunction.

篆刻千百年来,对中国人来说,图章是权利的象征。Seal Engraving To the Chinese, a seal was for many centuries a symbol of power.