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这只孔雀鱼在韦德后面追着。And the guppy raced after him.

第一种方法是顾比复合移动平均线。The first is the Guppy Multiple Moving Average.

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这是一条可怜的孔雀鱼,牠是单独地被买回来。A poor male guppy who happens to only fancy male mickey mouse fish.

但它可能也意味着,一条比较大的鱼游到一个大池塘后会突然变成小不点。But it could also mean a larger fish is suddenly a guppy in a bigger pond.

PREGO帮助填入您的油箱,使出生到一个新的婴儿常常顾一切。PREGO helps populate your tank by giving birth to a new baby guppy every so often.

强劲的下降趋势压力由顾比复合移动平均线的关系显示出来。The strong downward pressure is shown by the Guppy Multiple Moving Average relationships.

这是接近顾比复合移动平均线长期在该组的边缘。This is close to the Guppy Multiple Moving Average long-term under the edge of the group.

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劳拉的律师彼得•德•兰格表示,劳拉并未出庭,因为她正在自己的“Guppy”号帆船上。Laura’s lawyer, Peter de Lange, said she was not in court because she was on her boat, Guppy.

伯纳姆是23金普顿酒店连锁的孔雀鱼爱参加计划的性质之一。Burnham is one of 23 Kimpton Hotel properties participating in the chain's Guppy Love program.

我认为他更像是基因海绵胜过于独特孔雀鱼基因知识的创造者。I think he is more of a genetics sponge than an originator of unique guppy genetics knowledge.

本品出牙牙胶综合了各种形状和质地的表面,便于宝宝探索和舒缓肿痛的牙龈。The Teething Gummy Guppy offers baby multiple teething surfaces to explore and soothe sore gums.

直到最近在日本出现了另外一位杰出的孔雀鱼基因知识的来源,就是伊藤纯一。Another excellent source for guppy genetics information until recently has been Junichi Ito in Japan.

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“韦德,别那样!”吉尔哭了。“回来吧!”吉尔古比气喘气喘地随后跟上,吉尔最终赶上韦德。"Wade, no! " cried Gil. "Come back! " And the guppy raced after him. Breathless, Gil finally caught up.

在成千上百的孔雀鱼品种中,雄鱼最著名的特色就是它们华丽的背鳍和尾鳍。Among the hundreds of guppy varieties, the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins.

在交易技巧上,顾比复合移动平均线和顾比倒数线是他独创的特色指标。In trading skills, the Guppy Multiple Moving Average and the care Countdown line than his original characteristics of the indicators.

这也是长期盘整带的上边缘所处的位置,并且位于顾比复合移动平均线长期组之内。This is also the upper edge of a longer term consolidation band, and also inside the long term group of Guppy Multiple Moving Averages.

五斗橱上有一叠平装书,旁边是她的手袋、钥匙,一瓶矿泉水和那只格皮象。On the chest of drawers there was a pile of paperbacks, next to it, her handbag and keys, a bottle of mineral water and Guppy the elephant.

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“不管怎么样,他还活着,”格皮先生说,“你好吗?大法官阁下?我带来了一个朋友,先生,想跟您谈点儿事儿。”"He is alive, at any rate, " says Mr. Guppy. "How are you, my Lord Chancellor. I have brought a friend of mine, sir, on a little matter of business. "

鱼属于?科的许多种小型鱼,包括虹?和蚊鱼,主要栖居在温暖地带的淡水和咸水中。Any of numerous small fishes of the family Cyprinodontidae, including the guppy and mosquito fish, inhabiting chiefly fresh and brackish waters in warm regions.

鳉鱼属于鳉科的许多种小型鱼,包括虹鳉和蚊鱼,主要栖居在温暖地带的淡水和咸水中。Any of numerous small fishes of the family Cyprinodontidae, including the guppy and mosquito fish, inhabiting chiefly fresh and brackish waters in warm regions.