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这一说法的真实性未经证实。Whether this is true or not is unconfirmed.

各大银行对传闻的会议直播计划忧心忡忡。Banks also worry about unconfirmed plans to televise the conference.

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未经证实的报道说在附近城镇有两个人遭到枪杀。There are unconfirmed reports that the two people have been shot in the neighboring town.

有亲卡扎菲从城市开放汽车消防人员也未经证实的报道。There were also unconfirmed reports of pro-Gaddafi fighters opening fire from cars in the city.

还有条未经证实的消息称,亲卡扎菲的战士在城中坐着汽车进行射击。There were also unconfirmed reports of pro-Gaddafi fighters opening fire from cars in the city.

对于佛罗里达州基地组织已经宣称科隆了一个人,美国官方对这个未经证实的宣称做出回应。U. S. officials are reacting to unconfirmed claims that a Florida-based group has cloned a human.

未经证实的报告称,印度也正在开发射程为5000公里的Agni的变种导弹。Unconfirmed reports suggest India is also building an Agni variant with a range of 5, 000 kilometers.

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有未经证实的报导说,圣埃斯特万正面临破产,无力支付矿工工资。Unconfirmed reports say San Esteban is on the verge of bankruptcy and cannot afford the miners' wages.

小道消息称,陈晓旭已遵守佛教的清规戒律达七年之久。An unconfirmed source adds that Chen Xiaoxu has been following the Buddhist life credo for seven years.

如果这些未经证实的报道属实的话,这是中国对这个难以驾驭的盟友发出的最清晰的不满信号。If the unconfirmed reports are true, it would be the clearest sign yet of China's displeasure with its unruly ally.

而一些无法确认来源的消息则称有维吾尔族起事者在喀什葛尔和古尔加遭到逮捕。There have also been unconfirmed reports of numerous arrests of Uighur activists in the cities of Kashgar and Gulja.

但这一情报源搜集的线索信息却是二手的,因此它被描述成“可靠但不确切的”。But the source picked up the information secondhand, which is why it is being portrayed as "reliable but unconfirmed".

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其他未经证实的故事已经飞行员跳伞和发送他们的飞机坠毁是为了避免针对反政府武装。Other unconfirmed stories had pilots parachuting and sending their aircraft crashing just to avoid targeting the rebels.

而据未经证实的消息,其出让金并未按照“招、拍、挂”的规定交纳。According to unconfirmed information, leasing is not in accordance with the "strokes, shooting, hanging, " pay provisions.

入夜后,一些未经证实的报道说,电都被切断,并有进一步政府袭击的担忧。After nightfall, some unconfirmed reports said electricity had been cut and there were fears of further government attacks.

未经证实的被指定为H-6K和H-6M已经使用被描述型号具有一个可提高的导弹装备能力。The unconfirmed designations H-6K and H-6M have been used to describe versions with an enhanced missile armament capability.

在第一次未经证实的报道哈米斯之死几天之后,反对派表示他们现在可以证实哈米斯•卡扎菲已被杀害。Days after the first unconfirmed report of his death, the opposition say they can now confirm that Khamis Gaddafi was killed.

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根据一些未确认的报道,本周末在上海,南京以及广州等地举行了反日示威活动。There are unconfirmed reports of anti-Japanese demonstrations in China including Shanghai, Nanjing and Guangzhou this weekend.

升级的反舰导弹能被中国改进型H-6“獾”轰炸机使用,依照未经证实的报告。Upgraded anti-ship missiles can be used by modified versions of Chinese H-6 'Badger' bombers, according to unconfirmed reports.

王文斌称,中国商用飞机有限公司已经获得了由其生产的90座椅ARJ-21客机的208份已确认订单,另有订单尚在确认当中。Mr Wang said the company has received 208 confirmed and unconfirmed orders for the 90-seat ARJ-21, which Comac also manufactures.