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街灯渗出苍白的光。Streetlamp is leaking pale light.

他在修路灯时因公殉职。He died on the job while repairing a streetlamp.

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同一条海滨公路,寂寞的街灯透着一丝晦涩,若隐若现。On the same seashore road, the lonely streetlamp was excuding a thread of obscureness and it appeared indistinctly.

努力地找寻回家的方向,在马路和弄堂里穿梭,灯下,依稀照射出我焦虑的背影。I looked for the direction of going home hardly, walked along the road and street. There was my anxious shadow in streetlamp.

例如,钠在光谱中呈现出橙色光,就象一盏巨大而非常暗淡的钠汽灯。The sodium, for example, should glow in the orange part of the spectrum, like a giant but very faint sodium vapor streetlamp.

本文研究的是城市路灯与亮化监控无线通信子系统研究与开发。This paper is studied on the research and development of wireless communication sub-system of city streetlamp and brightening monitoring system.

‘太阳树’仅仅是种街灯,但是事实上能给我们的生活带来大影响的小事物,从来都可以被重新阐释。The Solar Tree is just a streetlamp but actually some of the small things which can have a big impact on our life are all open for reinterpretation.

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城市当中规模庞大的路灯系统对电能的消耗也相当可观,特别是路灯一般需要通宵长明,路灯的节能效应不可低估。In modern large cities, the huge streetlamp system costs so much power, and it must be on work all the night to meet the need of safety, so it is valuable to save energy resources.

文章介绍基于GPRS技术建立的路灯节电器无线监控系统的原理、拓扑结构和软件设计。This article introduces the theories, the topological structure and the software design of the wireless monitoring system of power saving setting for streetlamp based on GPRS technology.

Lovegrove的创新型照明方案-“太阳树”,采用日光来给街灯供电,街灯同时又是一件当代艺术品,给通常单调的城市街景注入了一丝自然风光。Lovegrove's innovative lighting project, the "Solar Tree, " is a solar-powered streetlamp that also serves as a piece of modern art, infusing a bit of nature into the usually gray urban landscape.