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污染物质能使地表水酸化。Pollutants can acidify surface water.

加醋会使溶液变酸。Adding vinegar will acidify the solution.

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TCEP能使结晶用的缓冲液酸化。TCEP hydrochloride can acidify the crystallization solution.

氮沉降能引起土壤酸化,同时造成土壤盐基离子淋失。N deposition can acidify the soil and leaching the exchangeable base cations.

桔子汁可以酸化尿液,阻碍结石的形成。Cranberry juice is often recommended to acidify the urine and discourage development of stones.

同时TP-1表现出较强的耐剪切能力和良好的配制稳定性,有利于酸化措施效果的提高。At the same time, TP-1 expressed strong resisting shearing and favorable manufacture stability, it advanced the effectiveness of acidify.

探讨了利用原化学镀铜废液中的甲醛将铜还原,后酸化回收EDTA的新工艺。Copper was reduced by formaldehyde which was contained in the effluent of chemical copper plating, and EDTA in the effluent was reclaimed after acidify.

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当越来越多的事实表明,这个问题的关键并非是灰分或镁,而是尿酸碱值,宠物食品制造商开始往生产的猫食中添加氯化铵以酸化食物。When it was apparent that urine pH, and not ash or magnesium was the problem, they began to add Ammonium Chloride to their cat foods to acidify the diet.

二氧化碳含量上升致使海洋酸化,对像有孔虫这样有碳酸钙外壳的生物体所产生的影响尤为致命。Rising carbon dioxide levels acidify the ocean, which has a particularly devastating effect on organisms that have calcium carbonate shells, like Foraminifera.

有名的乳酪公司老闆说”我建议摄取少肉,少奶和少高蛋白饮食,这些食物会使血液酸化,多摄取蔬菜,水果,五榖杂粮。I recommend a diet that is low in meat, chicken, diary products, eggs and other protein-rich foods that acidify the blood, and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and other seeds.

新近研究的初步分析表明,从北极海床释放的大量甲烷可能造成缺氧死区,海洋酸化并扰乱北部海洋广大地区的生态系统。Massive releases of methane from arctic seafloors could create oxygen-poor dead zones, acidify the seas and disrupt ecosystems in broad parts of the northern oceans, new preliminary analyses suggest.