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你对什么事不满意?What are you dissatisfied about?

那项新计划令人人不满。That new plan dissatisfied everyone.

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她不满意他的冷淡。She was dissatisfied with his apathy.

他对现状不满。He was dissatisfied with the status quo.

颜颜,你真的令朕很失望。Yan Yan, you really make me dissatisfied.

他们中有一方或者双方都感到失望和忿恨。Either or both feel dissatisfied or resentful.

不满意的顾客责骂花商。The dissatisfied customer berated the florist.

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我向他暗示了我对他的工作不满意。I hinted that I was dissatisfied with his work.

五年前,我不满足于自己的正职工作。Five years ago, I was dissatisfied with my day job.

他的英语成绩很差,令他的老师很不满意。His poor grade in English dissatisfied his teacher.

有时他们也会不满,叫两声!Sometimes they will also dissatisfied called twice!

待苏子君一离去,孙超心中极为不满。To SuZiJun a go, SunChao very dissatisfied at heart.

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他们对不能得到较高薪金而感到不满足。They were dissatisfied at not getting a better salary.

又或者他一直按照你说的做但感到不适应。Or he may go along with what you say but feel dissatisfied.

罗达的抱怨是习惯性的,她老是不满。Rhoda is a chronic complainer . She is always dissatisfied.

但是阿尔托对电影这种媒介越来越不满。But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium.

一小撮不满的官员们谋反政府。A small group of dissatisfied officers intrigued against the government.

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不过,现在有很多女同胞对这句话很不满意。However , many of female compatriot are dissatisfied with this sentence.

帮帮我啊贪心不足蛇吞象翻译英语是什么?Greedy and dissatisfied person who like a snake tries to swallow an elephant.

如果你对自己的外表和体重不满意,那么确立一个减肥的目标。Make it a goal to lose weight if you are dissatisfied with how you feel and look.