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2000年的时候咸海的北部和南部水域就已经断开。By 2000 the Northern and Southern Aral Sea had already separated.

咸海的水源几乎完全来自阿姆河和锡尔河。The Aral Sea gets almost all its water from the Amu and Syr rivers.

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卫星图像显示咸海曾经是世界上第四大湖泊。Satellite image of the Aral Sea used to be the fourth largest lake in the world

消失中的咸海也对当地气候产生了明显影响。The shrinking Aral Sea has also had a noticeable affect on the region's climate.

咸海总面积减少带来的第二个影响是湖床在迅速地暴露。A secondary effect of the reduction in the Aral Sea’s overall size is the rapid exposure of the lake bed.

位于乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦之间的咸海曾经是地球上的第四大湖泊,与爱尔兰一样大。Situated between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, the Aral was once the fourth largest lake on earth, as big as Ireland.

星期五,欧洲航天局公布了2006年至2009年前后有关咸海的卫星照片。On Friday, the European Space Agency released before-and-after satellite photographs of the Aral Sea in 2006 and 2009.

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作为一个内陆湖,咸海位于乌兹别克斯坦与哈萨克斯坦之间,而且曾经是世界上第四大湖泊。An inland lake, the Aral is found between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and used to be the fourth largest lake in the world.

世界水理事会援引南美洲拉普拉塔巴拉那河、咸海、约旦河和多瑙河为例。The World Water Council cites the Parana La Plata in South America, the Aral Sea, the Jordan and the Danube as examples.

在不到四十年的时间裡,中亚見证了曾为全球第四大内陸水体的咸海日渐乾涸。In less than 40 years, Central Asia has witnessed the drying up of Aral sea, once the fourth biggest inland water body in the world.

化学成分的改变极大地改变了湖区的生态环境,导致咸海鱼类数量剧减。That change in chemistry has led to staggering alterations in the lake's ecology, causing precipitous drops in the Aral Sea’s fish population.

哈萨克斯坦曾经广阔的咸海的排干工程使得那里的夏天天气异常炎热、冬天天气异常寒冷,而且很少下雨的情况。The draining of Kazakhstan’s once-vast Aral Sea has made regional temperatures hotter in summer and colder in winter, and rain now rarely falls.

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然而,贫困和对出口的依赖迫使该地区的政府已无法采取任何防治措施,咸海只能继续缩小。Yet, driven by poverty and their dependence upon exports, officials in the region have failed to take any preventive action and the Aral continues to shrink.

塔吉克总统拉克莫诺夫在会后表示,五国有必要好好协调以免咸海逐渐干涸。After the meeting, Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov said the five countries must coordinate with each other carefully in order to stop the gradual drying of the Aral Sea.

塔里木河上游的阿拉尔垦区在开垦前主要发育着不同盐渍化程度的土壤。Aral irrigated area in the upper reaches of the Tarim river was set up in the later 1950s, its soil development existed different degree of salinisation be fore reclamation.

前苏联的中央计划者决定,乌兹别克斯坦的其他省份应该变成大型的棉花生产中心,要用流入咸海的河水来灌溉农田。Soviet central planners decided that other provinces in Uzbekistan should become a huge centre for cotton production, with fields watered by the rivers that fed the Aral Sea.

咸海的毁灭是二十世纪大型工程灾难,这个失误的规模太大了,只能从太空中捕捉其图片。The destruction of the Aral Sea is one of the great engineering disasters of the 20th century, a mistake on a scale so vast that photographs from space are needed to capture it.

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然而,在中亚五国独立后,国际社会已提供许多援助以减缓环境退化,但五国几乎没有采取实际行动拯救咸海。International communities, however, have helped the Central Asian states to mitigate environmental degradation since 1992, but they have not taken concrete actions to save the Aral Sea.