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全靠你啦!All hang on you!

他们应当被绞死。They should hang.

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我嘚挂电话了。I must hang up now.

我现在得把电话挂下。I have to hang up now.

垂下头羞愧去吧。Hang your head in shame.

把它挂在通风的地方。Hang it in an airy place.

不对,我说的是挂在那!NO, I mean hang it there!

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苏菲在哪里?Where's Sophie?- Hang on.

不要沉迷于过去不可自拔。Don't hang on to the past.

不要拉帮结伙。Don't hang out with gangs.

把你的衬衫挂到挂钩子上。Hang your shirt on a hook.

李航是我最好的朋友。Li Hang is my best friend.

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李航是我的好朋友。Li Hang is my good friend.

他们把画挂斜了。They hang a picture askew.

把画像挂端正。Hang the portrait straight.

挂起你的头,汤姆杜利。Hang your head, Tom Dooley.

桌上方吊着一盏灯。A lamp hang above the table.

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一个新的世界即将来临。A new world will hang about.

我们俩一起出去玩,总是有很多乐子。It's always fun to hang out.

所以,我们绝不能一起出去。So we should never hang out.