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岩浆驱动夏威夷?Magma to Power Hawaii?

我想去夏威咦。I want to go to Hawaii.

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夏威夷吸引了许多旅游者。Hawaii allures many tourists.

岩浆中萌生的蕨类植物,夏威夷Fern Growing From Lava, Hawaii

你什么时候去夏威夷?When nare you going to Hawaii?

我们将去夏威夷度蜜月。We'll go honeymooning in Hawaii.

夏威夷人把夏威夷称为“阿罗哈州”。They call Hawaii the Aloha State.

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奥巴马在夏威夷和印度尼西亚长大。He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia.

夏威夷是一座自然的胜迹。Hawaii is really a natural monument.

欢迎进入夏威夷风的世界!Welcome to the World of Hawaii kine.

他们已坐飞机到夏威夷度假去了。They've hopped to Hawaii for holidays.

_夏威胰是美国太平洋舰队的基地。Hawaii is home to the US Pacific Fleet.

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一种上面印着“夏威夷真美丽”的衬衫。A shirt that says "Hawaii is beautiful".

夏威夷的海,想去踏浪吗?Hawaii Sea, Desire To Walk In Its Waves?

它敦促夏威夷采取“紧急行动”。It urged Hawaii to take "urgent action".

我们撑足了帆,驾船向夏威夷驶去。We made all sail,and bore up for Hawaii.

每年夏天我们都到夏威夷的海滨去冲浪。Every summer we surf the beach of Hawaii.

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杰米两周前去夏威夷度假。Jamie vacationed in Hawaii two weeks ago.

为了消除紧张的情绪,我去夏威夷玩了一星期。I went to Hawaii for a week to decompress.

夏威夷的原生态因为外来物种的入侵已经变得体无完肤。Hawaii is ground zero for invasive species.