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祝贺你们。Congrats to yourself here.

祝贺塞娜,夺取金牌吧。Congrats Saina. Go for Gold.

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但还是祝贺塞娜获得了奖牌。But congrats to Saina she got a medal.

知道你去年出了新书,恭喜你。Congrats again on your book last year.

祝贺中国取得如此成就!Congrats to China on this achievement.

祝贺下一个超级大国中国。Congrats to the next superpower, China!

因此,恭喜KKR上榜。So congrats to KKR for making the list.

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祝贺你!你是最优秀的选手,伙计。So, congrats . You are the best player, man.

欢迎并恭喜您加入爱身健丽大家庭!Welcome and Congrats You to the Isagenix Family!

恭祝米米当选为2008年视后!!!Congrats to Michelle in winning the QUEEN of 2008!

恭喜中国四代机取得重大进步。Congrats to China for this big step in the J-20 fighter.

在中国打败超级丹,难以置信,祝贺斯里坎斯。Beating great LIn Dan in China, unbelievable. Congrats Shrikanth.

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第一件要做的事自然是给ps游戏机一个大大的祝贺。The first thing in order is of course a big congrats to the console.

祝贺桑达,许多印度专业人士令印度为之自豪!Congrats to Sundar and many more Indian professionals making India proud! !

祝贺广东赢得了同我鱼的系列赛。Congrats to the Guangdong Tigers for their series win over my Sharks today.

祝贺柳金昨晚出色的表现,这是她应得的。Congrats to Liukin for such a wonderful performance yesterday, she deserved it.

中国货的质量非常烂,但是他们改变了这一迷思。祝贺中国。The quality of Chinese goods is very bad. But they have changed the myth. Congrats China.

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步柢其他人讲甚么,恭喜直!那没有但仅是为了您们,更是为了齐人类!赣廾瑰丽!Whatever others say! Congrats to China! Its not only for you and its for the entire humanity! Job well done!

祝福香港,十几亿的大陆同胞放飞他们的祝福。随着钟声的敲响,你会更加成熟。Congrats HongKong, Billions of people in mainland let their blessing in air. Go with the ding, you will mature quickly.

祝贺塞娜在雅加达连续三次获得冠军头衔,你继续了自己与印尼公开赛的“蜜月期”。Congrats Saina for completing the hat trick of titles in Jakarta, so you are continuing your honeymoon with Indonesian open.