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红树林是常青树。The mangrove forests are evergreen.

鱼儿们在红树根周围游来游去。Fish swim around the mangrove roots.

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红树林管理准则。Mangrove forest management guidelines.

路边的红树叶子还没红,所以我们都没注意。Roadside not red mangrove leaves, we no attention.

在潮坪上生长着大量的红树林。On the tidal flat, the mangrove meashes spread widely.

他的国家忘记了,但是他没有忘记,红树林游荡的孤魂。His country forgot, but he did not, the mangrove ghosts.

考察该红树林生长的地理特徵。To study the geographical features of the mangrove stand.

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角腹艾蛛是红树林区的优势种。Cyclosa mulmeinensis was dominant species in mangrove area.

海南东寨港红树林土壤微生物初探。Microbial Study of Mangrove Soil at Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan.

在某些情况下,它可能是红树林地带,在另外一些情况下,它可能是海堤。In some cases it could be mangrove belts, in others a sea wall.

红树林生态系统的价值及其污染问题。The value of the mangrove ecosystem and its pollution problems.

大沼泽的林区里有棕榈树,丝柏。The area also contains forests of palm, cypress, mangrove and pine.

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红树林分布于热带和亚热带海岸。The mangrove flourishes on the seashores of tropics and subtropics.

危机之时,小林泽为了别人牺牲了本人。To the crisis, the mangrove forests for people to sacrifice himself.

黄鸡紫蟹堪携酒,红树青山好放船。Yellow purple crab can bring wine, mangrove good castle on a vessel.

沿海大部分地区覆盖泥滩和红树林。Most of the coastal area is covered by mudflats and mangrove forests.

红树林的的根系可以起到隔绝碳的作用。The mangrove forest also sequesters carbon dioxide in its root system.

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红树林盐土是红树植被下的一类特殊土壤。Mangrove solonchak is a special type of soil under mangrove vegetation.

营左押着小林泽前来指认中村功。And the small mangrove forests left the camp to identify reactive nakamura.

红树林分布于118个国家领土的海岸线周边。Mangrove forests grow along the shorelines of 118 countries and territories.