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该发誓的贞洁创造只是一个禁止性障碍婚姻。The vow of chastity creates only a prohibitory impediment to marriage.

混淆理论是划定商标禁用权范围的理论基础。The theoretical basis for the defining of the prohibitory right is confusion theory.

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倘若侵害有加剧之势,权利人可以提起不作为之诉。If further injuries are to be feared, the person entitled may seek a prohibitory injunction.

实验结果表明,此方法能准确并较为快速地实现警告标志检测。Experimental results show that the prohibitory signs can be detected quickly and exactly in this method.

在这一转让过程中,涉及到企业的债权债务移转、竞业禁止、劳动合同继受等问题。Its content involves obligatory right and debt, prohibitory rules against competition and labor contract as well.

通常它与禁止履行命令相反,但是在强制履行中也会有一些强制性的命令。It is usually the opposite of a prohibitory injunction but there are mandatory injunctions which have a similar effect to specific performance.

所谓刑法规范中不能存在授权性规范和禁止性规范的观点是错误的,但刑法规范也并非都是禁止性规范。The standpoint that there could not be authorization norms and prohibitory norms is improper, however all norms of criminal law are not prohibitory ones.

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在这一转让过程中,涉及到企业的债权债务移转、竞业禁止、劳动合同继受以及反垄断法上的一些问题。In the course of the Business Transfer, its content involves obligatory right and debt, prohibitory rules against competition , labor contract and anti-monopoly as wel1.

她其实就是我们天真的孩提时代与生俱来的好奇心,呼唤著我们去重新审视并且超越周遭隐隐存在的那一道道高墙。She is a reminder of the natural curiosity that we once held in our naive, untainted childhood, summoning us to reexamine our seemingly prohibitory surrounding walls and grasp beyond it.

巧妙上下坡,要低挡平稳通过,中途不要换挡,上坡防熄火,下坡绝对禁止空挡滑行。Five, skillful top and bottom ascent, low block steady pass, midway don't change to block, the ascending grade defends to turn off, go down slope absolute prohibitory for nothing block a skidding.