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老鹳草,石竹都是适合的植物,其风味也增强记忆,调节情绪的作用。Geranium, Dianthus are suitable for the plant, its flavor also enhances memory, mood regulation effect.

实验结果表明,6种实验材料都具有一定的坪用价值,但地被石竹和长夏石竹的表现较好。The result showed that 6 varieties plants have lawn value and Dianthus chinensis and Dianthus plumarius are better.

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为了研究中国石竹叶片愈伤组织的诱导及植株的再生。The research was conducted to investigate the induction of leaf callus and plant regeneration of Dianthus chinensis L.

在相近似的辐照度、不同的光质条件下,我们比较了各种光质对康乃馨试管苗生长发育的影响。Under light of different quality with a similar irradiance , test-tube seedlings of Dianthus caryophyllus L. were compared.

新疆是我国石竹属植物分布和分化中心,种质资源丰富。Xinjiang is a center of distribution and differentiation of genus Dianthus in China, and has a great deal of species resources.

第二部分对艾里莫酚型倍半萜内酯的质谱裂解规律进行了初步探讨。The second part elementarily discussed the characteristic fragmentation oferemophilenolides isolated from S. dianthus in ESI-MS.

石竹在我国是一种最平凡最常见的草花,名花谱上向来没有它的位置。Dianthus in China is one of the most extraordinary of the most common flower, blossoms and has no spectrum on the location of it.

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本试验以香石竹切花为材料,研究了不同浓度的植酸对香石竹切花瓶插的影响。The experiment uses Dianthus Caryophyllus as sample to study the effect of vase planting under different concentrations Phytic Acid.

石竹一种石竹属植物,如康乃馨和美国石竹等,常因其艳丽、芳香的花朵种植。Any of various plants of the genus dianthus such as the carnation and sweet william often cultivated for their showy fragrant flowers.

第三部分报道双花千里光茎、和叶花的挥发油成分分析。The latter part is about the chemical constituents of essential oil extracted from stems, leaves and flowers of S. dianthus with steam distillation.

同时,比较了不同浓度的植酸和纯水,蔗糖溶液对香石竹切花瓶插效果的差异。Simultaneity , Compares the effect of Dianthus Caryophyllus vase planting with different concentrations Phytic Acid, pure water, and sucrose solution.

以香石竹叶片为外植体,利用二次回归正交设计对其再生体系建立中的关键因素6-BA和NAA的浓度及其组合进行定量优化。Optimal concentrations of 6-BA and NAA and their combinations were tested with quadratic regressive orthogonal design for their effect on shoot regeneration of Dianthus caryophyllus L.