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分片和重组。Segmentation and reassembly.

解决方案的快速组合与重新组合。Rapid assembly and reassembly of solutions.

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在重新组装冲洗阀之前,先清除沉淀物。Prior to reassembly flush valve to remove sediment.

这一过程又称为数据包的分块和再组装。This process is referred to as fragmentation and reassembly.

组装的第一步,是将密封圈和膨胀胶圈装回支腿。First reassembly step is to push the wipers and foam rings back on to the stanchions.

在碎纸自动拼接复原中,提出了一种新的形状匹配算法。The paper introduced a novel shape-matching algorithm based on automatic reassembly of paper fragments.

分解,清洗,检查,修理和重新装配电气附件和电缆等。Disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair and reassembly the electrical components and wire harnesses, etc.

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理论分析表明,这种方法具有较小的缓冲区要求和确定的重组延时上限。Theoretical analysis show that the structure has fewer volume demand of the buffer and determinate reassembly delay bound.

现在开始厌倦旧的业务说服查尔斯合作,在重新组装的理事会,和法国国王。And now began the old weary business of persuading Charles to cooperate in the reassembly of the council, and the French king too.

RXTE的数据可能包含有吸积盘再次聚合时所释放出的X射线,它揭示了我们迄今从未见过的物理过程。RXTE's data may contain x-rays flowing from the disk during that reassembly , exposing the physics of the process as never before.

这一作用可能在血小板活化时细胞骨架重组、形态改变和分泌内含物等一系列变化中起重要作用。This may be effective in reassembly of the cytoskeleton, change of platelet shape and secretion during activation of the platelet.

在传送一个或多个AAL2用户信息流时,应用分组拆装业务特定汇聚子层。On one or more AAL type 2 user information streams, the Segmentation and Reassembly Service Specific Convergence sublayer may be deployed.

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破碎刚体自动拼接技术是图像处理和模式识别领域中一个较新但是有非常广泛应用背景的研究方向。The automatic reassembly of broken rigid-body is a novel and typical application in the field of image processing and pattern recognition.

在重组,油脂的膛的传动轴收到减速器的输出轴之前重新安装钳环。During reassembly , grease the bore of the drive shaft receiving the reduction gear's output shaft before reinstallation of the clamp ring.

提出了用于判断曲线段匹配的的判别方法,并对所给的方法做了严密的数学证明。In the process of reassembly of fragments, we provided virtual display and edit technique to afford convenience for user and ensure the result.

分片和重组的代价非常高,并且尽管仅由中间路由器执行这项任务,但是它对吞吐量有很大的影响。Fragmentation and reassembly are a costly affair and, though this is performed only by intermediate routers, it has severe impact on throughput.

目前国内均采用拆卸锥套和接头,截去一段软管或软轴,重新装配继续使用。At present, disassembly taper sleeve and joint are adopted at home, a section of hose or soft shaft is cut off for reassembly and continuing use.

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如果你只需要时钟的断续器,那么你可以放心地拆卸,而不必担心再装配的问题,将齿轮、指针甚至电磁体都统统扔掉。If you just need the clock's ticker. you can disassemble without worrying about reassembly. and throwaway the gears. hands, and even the electromagnet.

有几个层次的服务,在这层可以落实,其中包括分割改头换面,误差复苏流量控制和等。There are several levels of service that can be implemented at this layer, including segmenting and reassembly , error recovery, flow control, and others.

实验结果表明,该算法取得了较好的拟合和匹配效果,为基于轮廓线匹配的物体形状的拼接奠定了基础。Experiments show that the approach achieve a better fitting and matching result. The algorithm lays a foundation for fragment reassembly based on contour matching.