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男性的腋窝的味道很性感。Male armpit sex is sexy.

那时我已经开始长腋毛了。Also had armpit hair in that times.

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我的腋下肿起来了。There are some swellings in my armpit.

把这个体温表放在腋下。Just put this thermometer under your armpit.

腋下和X射线居住在美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市。Armpit and X-Ray are living in Austin, Texas.

请把体温表夹在你的腋下。Please put the thermometer under your armpit.

腋窝是“胳肢窝”的医学术语。The axilla is the medical term for the armpit.

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我的男朋友可以在我的腋窝做他想做的任何事。My boyfriend can do anything he wants to my armpit.

你的男朋友能不能对腋窝做他想做的任何事情?Can your boyfriend do anything he wants to ze armpit?

为什么肝细胞会跑到小孩的腋窝下?。Anyone got a clue how liver cells got into the kid's armpit?

今天,给我的左腋剃毛时将自己割伤了。Today, I was shaving my left armpit when I cut myself badly.

摩尔甚至还在其右臂腋下纹上了一只睁开的眼睛。Jacqui even has a tattoo of an open eye inside her right armpit.

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地铁里,为什么我的鼻子要贴到其他乘车人的腋窝处?Why must I have my nose in the armpit of my fellow subway rider?

身为白化病动物也不容易,这只白化病猩猩腋窝部分的污渍藏都藏不住。It's not easy being albino. That armpit stain's never coming out.

身为白化病动物也不容易,这只白化病猩猩腋窝部分的污渍藏都藏不住。It's not easy being albino . That armpit stain's never coming out.

我给你量体温,把温度计放到腋窝下。Let me have your temperature, put this thermometer under your armpit.

将温度计放在腋窝里面,用胳肢窝夹住它。Place the thermometer in the armpit with arms crossed over the chest.

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头状花序单生叶腋,花梗细长而脆弱。Armpit of capitate only leaf, peduncular and long and thin and flimsy.

将温度计放在腋窝里面,用胳肢窝夹住它。Please put this thermometer under your armpit and let me feel your pulse.

花两性,白色,单生叶腋或成聚伞花序。The flower is bisexual, white, only leaf armpit or Cheng Jusan inflorescence.