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金额以元为单位。Amount to dollar.

设置索赔金额。Sets the claim amount.

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这个金额合适吗?Is there a perfect amount?

你拥有我最小的那部分。You have the minimum amount.

大量的水就可能使你中毒。A large amount can poison you.

但这个工作量合适吗Is this a good amount of work?

精盐、胡椒粉各适量。Salt, pepper the right amount.

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那罐子能盛多少水?The amount that a jug can hold.

控制凹凸的额度。Control the amount of bumpiness.

那是一个极好的热量。That heat is a fantastic amount.

后来雕像的数量减少了一半。Later the amount was cut in half.

你真付得起这个总数吗?。Can you really afford this amount?

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新鲜胡萝卜、粳米各适量。Fresh carrots, the amount of rice.

它只使用极少量的汽油。It uses only a tiny amount of gas.

果汁的喜悦大量喷涌而出。A large amount of joy juice gushes.

需要大量的起爆剂。A large amount of amorce was needed.

对不起,我把数字填错了。Sorry, I filled in the wrong amount.

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不限制金额和笔数。Unlimited amount and number of pens.

挤出一子弹杯的量。Squeeze out a shot glass-size amount.

什么是最高可申请发还的金额?What Is The Maximum Claimable Amount?