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马克思的历史价值论是实践的历史价值论。Marxist historical axiology is the practice of historical axiology.

劳动价值论的核心问题是创造价值的源泉问题。The resources of the producing value are the core of the Labour Axiology.

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人的价值问题是人学和价值学的中心问题。The value of human being is the main question of science of man and axiology.

这种含混是因为晚明价值论的混乱造成的。This ambiguity was caused by the confusion of axiology in tin, late Ming Dynasty.

人类已经步入知识经济时代,由此产生了知识价值论。Mankind have been in the age of knowledge economy, Knowledge Axiology is brought out.

他还发展了一种形式价值论来保证绝对价值观念的可能性。He also developed a formal axiology to ensure the possibility of the absolute value idea.

新康德主义的文学价值论主要是在西南学派的李凯尔特那里形成雏形的。Literary axiology of Neo-Kantianism has mainly been developed into an embryonic form by Riekert.

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效用价值论能够说明稀少性的一面,劳动价值论能够说明丰裕性的一面。Effectiveness axiology can show the one side of exiguous sex, labor theory of value can show the one side of opulent sex.

该篇中所存在的这种话语修辞现象,隐现出了刘勰以人文价值理性对抗的历史风尚时潮的思想立场。The phenomenon of rhetoric discourse shows Liu Xie's position that he opposed prevalent view of his period with human axiology.

作为帮助人类认知的工具,图示是与人的理想化宇宙观、价值观紧密联系的符号系统。As a tool for human's cognizance, the drawing is a sign system connected with the perfect cosmology and axiology of human society.

为了探寻刑事政策合目的化的途径,从价值论的角度对刑事政策进行分析是十分必要的。To find the way to make criminal policy accord to human's aim, it is necessary to analyze criminal policy from the view of axiology.

第七部分分别从价值论和工具论两个层面论述契约思想引入行政法的的意义。Chapter seven dissertates the meaning of importing the contractual ideas into administrative laws from the aspects of axiology and organon.

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马克思主义价值论以科学的实践观为指导,坚持理论与实践、真理与价值相统一的原则。Marxism axiology based on the scientific practice view insists on the principle of unification between theory and practice, truth and value.

关于哲学价值论的人学基础的思考具有重大的理论意义,直接关涉到哲学价值论合法性问题。Examination of the humanistic foundation of axiology is of important theoretical significance as it concerns the legitimacy of axiology itself.

但是,对于社会来说,则必须超越于生产者和消费者之上,从宏观经济学的角度,根据社会成本进行判断,此即所谓社会价值论。But for the whole society, we must make the judgment from the angle of macroeconomics according to the social cost. That is called social axiology.

价值多元化、价值一元化和价值观多元化等问题是当前价值论领域研究的热点问题之一。The multi-dimension of value, the one-dimension of value and the multi-dimension of value idea are one of crucial problems in the current axiology field.

促进自然资源的节约利用,在理论上不能是自然资源有价值论,而只能恢复马克思地租理论在价格构成中的地位。To promote the abstemious usage of natural resource, the status of Marxist ground rent theory should be regained instead of axiology of natural resource.

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评价也不属于价值论范畴,评价是一种观念活动,而价值却是不依赖于人的意识而独立存在的。And evaluation does not belong to axiology because evaluation is an ideological activity while the existence of value is independent of mans consciousness.

价值学是哲学领域的新兴学科,其对翻译研究的重要指导作用和意义已被一些学者所认识与接受。Axiology is a newly emerging branch of philosophy, whose significance as guidance to translation studies has been realized and accepted by several scholars.

从现代性的理性一元论到后现代的多元价值观,审美现代性的感性一元充当了桥梁、过渡的作用。From the rational monism of illuminative modernity to the plural axiology of postmodernity, the perception monism of aesthetic modernity serves as a bridge.