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他试图凭己力催逼神施行拯救。He tried to force God's deliverance.

什么都不去想了该是多么好的解脱啊。What a deliverance not to have to think anymore.

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以得救的乐歌四面环绕我。You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.

我发现用这个装置是我解脱的手段。I perceived in this device the means of my deliverance.

那台风怎么可能拯救一个国家呢?Then how could a typhoon bring deliverance to a nation?

让我们感谢上帝的英明和怜悯。Let us thank God for this great deliverance and his mercies.

还有为什么这一切看起来就象是“激流四勇士”的拙劣翻版?And why it all seems like a really bad version of deliverance?

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你能对视你的害怕并送去解脱的能量。You can look at your fear and send it the energy of deliverance.

他们赞颂上帝使他们从困境中安全脱险。They praised God for their safe deliverance from the difficult position.

你必以得救的乐歌四面环绕我,每当我心惧怕时。You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance. WheneverI am afraid.

寻找你可以得释放的地方,切勿容让任何野兽进入你的大道上。Find your place of deliverance and do not let any wild beast enter your highway.

等佛里克来到他跟前,我就吩咐佛里克跟他讲话,告诉他,他已经遇救了。When Frick came to him, I bade him speak to him, and tell him of his deliverance.

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农民们祈祷,使牺牲和香烛到天堂的解脱。The farmers prayed, giving sacrifices and burning incense to Heaven for deliverance.

不论你是谁,如果你有罪的问题,请仰望耶稣去求得释放。No matter who you are, if you have a problem with sin, look to Jesus for deliverance.

这时候有一个叫施阳的抗日者得到了树春的救助。At that time a person fight day that calls Shi Yang got the deliverance of tree spring.

天啊,你还认为这只是在激流四勇士中才会有的情节吗?Dear lord.Oh and did you think this was just something that happened in Deliverance land?

耶稣不拯救那些认为自己不需要拯救、救助或解救的人。Jesus does not save people who think they don’t need saving, or rescuing, or deliverance.

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他们迸发出一阵惊喜若狂的喊声,期待着新英格兰的得救。They raised a shout of awe and exultation, and looked for the deliverance of New EnglanD.

三天之前,神才拯救百姓脱离法老的追兵,让他们安然渡过了红海。This was only three days after God's marvellous deliverance of the people at the Red Sea.

王子只好把他自己中了魔法以及解脱苦难的经历讲了又讲,少说也讲了十遍。And the Prince had to tell the story of his own enchantment and deliverance at least ten times.