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多立斯柱式和爱奥尼亚柱式都起源木造的神庙。Both the Doric and Ionic orders originated in wooden temples.

公元前5世纪多利安寺在古代科林斯网站阿波罗。The 5th century BC Doric Temple of Apollo at the site of Ancient Corinth.

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这时阿波罗神庙的七根多利斯式柱子,建于公元前6世纪。Seven Doric columns from the Temple of Apollo, which were erected in the 6th century B.

多利斯柱式的特徵为其柱顶具一连串的三竖线花纹装饰及排档间饰。The Doric order is characterized by the series of triglyphs and metopes on the entablature.

多立斯柱式和爱奥尼亚柱式都起源木造的神庙。多立斯柱式低矮而简单。Both the Doric and Ionic orders originated in wooden temples. The Doric is squat and simple.

两者都是强大的陶立克式结构,风味,虽然这两个纳入离子柱在其内部。Both are structures with strong Doric flavor, although both incorporate Ionic columns in their interiors.

多立克柱式就是在建筑物上显示男子身体比例,来显示刚劲和力量。Doric order refers to show the boy proportion of the male in the building, so as to express the fortitude and power.

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列柱的隆起非常显著,如同正常的古多利克列柱一样,这个特色使学者推演此建筑的年代久远。The entasis of the columns is very pronounced, as is normal for archaic doric columns, which leads to the early dating of the edifice.

我开始先做出一个圆柱的底部,再做出四个独立分隔的柱身,然后再在基座部分用一些装饰物来修饰出多利安式柱子的风格。I begun from base of a column, divided the column in four segments. Then decorated the plinth with some ornaments styled to Doric column.

该酒店俯瞰着黑泽的皇后长廊以及爱尔兰海,设有免费的停车场、儿童俱乐部和现场娱乐表演。Situated on Queen's Promenade with fantastic views over the Irish Sea, The Doric offers locally sourced, fresh food, 2 pools, and a jacuzzi.

还有阿卡狄亚山中的人,他们也不说多里安语,也许他们也是从那里逃出的一支Then there are the people in the mountains of Arcadia who also don't speak the Doric language, and maybe they were driven up there to escape.

从有历史记载的希腊时期开始,比如说公元前十五世纪,居住于伯罗奔尼撒的人们,是希腊多利安方言的主要使用者Since in historical Greek times, let us say the fifth century B.C., the people who inhabited the Peloponnesus were mainly speakers of the Greek dialect called Doric.