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她的房子总是收拾得非常整洁。Everything in her house is always spick and span.

嗯,我保证每天都要把这儿收拾得一尘不染。Yeah. I promise that I'll keep it spick and span.

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以下是更多让你的科技产品一尘不染的诀窍。Here are some more tips to keep your tech gadgets spick and span.

哈里出去会见任何人前总是确保自己看上去整洁干净。Harry always makes sure he looks spick and span before he goes to meet anyone.

保持你楼层每一寸地方都非常干净,包括后楼梯和安全通道。Keep every inch of your floor spick and span, this includes backstairs and exit doors.

他就跟着去了,那个人把他领到一个极其华丽的宫殿,那儿所有东西都很整洁。Sun went, and the man took him to a very awesome palace.Everything was spick and span.

孙大夫就跟着去了,那个人把他领到一个极其华丽的宫殿,那儿所有东西都很整洁。Sun went, and the man took him to a very awesome palace. Everything was spick and span.

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当带着一个褐色皮包的镇鼠约翰尼从全然干净整齐的沙地小路上走来!When up the sandy path all spick and span with a brown leather bag came Johnny Town mouse!

床已铺好,新毛巾放在浴室里,样样东西都是干干净净的。The bed HAD been made, fresh towels were in the bathroom and everything was spick and span.

他比前几次参加内阁会议更加衣冠齐整,举止从容,态度坚定。He was never more spick and span or cool and determined than at the last cabinets which he attended.

秀嫂一个人在家,收拾了碗筷,把堂屋打扫得干干净净,站在天井里头搓起一家人一大堆脏衣服来。Alone at home, Xiu cleared the table and cleaned the main room till it was spick and span. After that, standing in the courtyard, she began to do the family's big heap of laundry.

这所低维护率的单层住宅格调清新,及其适合居住生活。住宅还附带有一所单间公寓,可以给您带来额外的收入,并为您的房屋翻新或在建计划做好前期的资金准备。The one level low maintenance home is spick and span and perfectly livable with its own self-contained studio apartment producing good passive income until you're ready to renovate or build.