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物价不断上涨,但因涨幅很小而不为人注意。The just perceptible but continual increase in prices.

这些变化在战前就已经感觉得出来了。These changes were already perceptible before the war.

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许多小鼠的尖叫声非常高亢,难以感觉它是否口吃。Many murine squeakings are too high-pitched to be perceptible.

前脸从眼睛向口吻方向呈锥形,止部清晰。The foreface tapers from eye to muzzle with a perceptible stop.

正象在暗场法中一样,相物体这时就可以看见了。Just as in the dark-ground method phase objects are then perceptible.

马克在大学里的成功使他的生活发生了可察觉的变化。Mark's success at university had a very perceptible change on his life.

长而倾斜,两耳间相当宽,止部几乎无法被察觉到。Skull long and lean, fairly wide between the ears, scarcely perceptible stop.

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以我现在写回忆录时的年纪,四年的年龄差别是看不出来的。At the age I am writing these reminiscences a difference of 4 years is not perceptible.

成员可要求把“标记应系视觉可感知”作为注册条件。Members may require, as a condition of registration, that signs be visually perceptible.

这种仍在暗中进行、但已隐约可见的危机可说是无奇不有。No singularity was lacking to this still subterranean crisis, which was already perceptible.

后来,过了半个钟头,可以看出钟楼上和人群里发生轻微的骚动。Then half an hour later a certain agitation is perceptible in the belfry and among the people.

但是从水由他手匦流过的动态,便可以察觉出鱼的速度已经明湘仑减慢了。But watching the movement of the water against his hand he noted that it was perceptible slower.

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库图佐夫那张因负伤而变得丑陋的胖得发圆的脸上,掠过一丝难以觉察的微笑。A scarcely perceptible smile passed over Kutuzov's podgy face, disfigured by the scar of a wound.

一本书摆在她面前的窗台上,打开着,简直令人感觉不到的风间或掀动着书页。A book lay spread on the sill before her, and the scarcely perceptible wind fluttered its leaves at intervals.

耳朵听到的尖音有一个对思想和耳朵都可以超过的限度。The limit of shrill sounds perceptible can be overleaped, as well in the case of the mind as in that of the ear.

最终的结果则是空前的财政赤字,金融市场上却并无起色。The result is a deficit of unprecedented size but with no perceptible pressure from financial markets to reduce it.

镶有透明密镶水晶石的镀白金色天鹅链坠高贵典雅,引人注目。The elegance of a swan is distinctly perceptible in this rhodium-plated pendant that has clear crystals set in pavé.

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石竹花的芬芳弥漫在空间,玛丽·德·梅迪契的老白嘴鸦在大树林中谈情说爱。The peppery odor of the carnations was perceptible. The old crows of Marie de Medici were amorous in the tall trees.

在我们平时所吃的食物中,全能用嘴巴分辩出来的,有酸、甜、苦、辣和咸,这五种味道。In our everyday food, there are five tastes perceptible to the tongue, namely, sour, bitter, hotness, sweet, and salty.

社会音乐教育作为素质教育的音乐教育其根本任务是培养和增进人的音乐感知能力。As quality education, musical education, its basic task is to develop and enhance people' s musical perceptible ability.