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新创的公司可获3年免税。Year tax exemption for Start-up Companies.

第二部分,研究别除权的基础权利。Second, the basic rights of exemption right.

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车辆购置税的完税证明或者免税证明。Certificate of purchase tax payment or exemption.

本部分还对免责事由进行了论述。This part also discusses the grouds for exemption.

豁免申请的理由错误。The reason of application for exemption is incorrect.

使用在玻璃中的三氧化二锑为排外,在2011前仍可以使用。As to Sb2O3, it's an exemption to use in glass by 2011.

透过评核试申请单元豁免费用。Application fee for module exemption through assessment.

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一三关于减免税捐相关证明之核发事项。Certificate issuance of tax deduction or exemption proofs.

出版诸如委任书等的官方文件。An official document or warrant declaring such an exemption.

别除权是破产法的一项重要权利。Exemption right is an important right in bankruptcy procedures.

这些措施之一就是,集体旅游者可以豁免入境签证手续。The steps include exemption of collective tourism from entry visas.

因此,这样的一种解除不会是与我们的安全相妥协的。Therefore, such an exemption is not going to compromise our security.

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该项豁免由处长或注册官作出。For any such exemption to be granted by the Director or the Registrar.

商获利后第一、二年免征地方所得税法。After the first to profit, exemption from local income tax law of 2002.

为了今后免交遗产税,王先生就因此遇到了麻烦。Exemption from estate duty to the future, Mr encountered trouble on it.

免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。Exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax, duty, impost and fees.

所得税经过十年的豁免后将于明年重新征收。The income tax is to be reimposed next year after ten years' exemption.

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成绩为通过或免修免考的课程,计学分,不列入平均成绩、平均绩点的计算。Scores"Pass or Exemption" do not count towards the average score or GPA.

比如,西班牙就可能给大青鲨这一种类留出特例。Spain could claim a species exemption with its blue sharks, for example.

申请人应按照规定交纳免验费用。The applicant shall pay the prescribed fees for exemption from inspection.