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那电影完全是一堆垃圾。The movie is utter dreck.

我觉得这些纯属废话。I think that’s utter crap.

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但是这是完全的废话。But this is utter nonsense.

你怎么不开腔?Why don't you utter a word?

她有时说出的话妙语如珠。To make or utter a wisecrack.

但是这是彻头彻尾的愚蠢想法。But that would be utter folly.

不要发出那种讨厌的闹声!To utter with a gargling sound.

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发出叹息声、痛苦的叫喊声等。Utter a sigh , cry of pain, etc.

休息吧,休息在肃静的灵里O rest, in utter quietude of soul

此外,他一直没有作声。He did not, however, utter a word.

我的责任迫使我把它说出来。My duty pricked me on to utter that.

而令我万念俱灰的是,她还真找到了一份工作。And to my utter dismay she got a job.

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在你全功尽弃时,我赐予平安My peace I give in time of utter loss

他们哂笑了,鄙夷之极地走开。They smile and go away in utter scorn.

不干不净,完全无视个人卫生。And utter disregard for personal hygiene.

足有五分钟,他一声没吭。He did not utter a word for five minutes.

在异常的寂静中,一只画眉鸟啼叫着。In the utter silence a blackbird shouted.

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这些报告废话连篇。These reports are total and utter rubbish.

他吧嗒两下嘴,一声也不言语。He smacked his lips but did not utter a word.

战场完全是一片大屠杀的惨象。The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.