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否认疼痛是有确实根据的。Disavowal of pain is valid.

你的推卸是由一种误解造成的。Your disavowal is informed by a misunderstanding.

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我知道,否认就是一种不寻常的背叛形式。I know that disavowal is an unusual form of betrayal.

以这个意义来说,虐待狂仅仅是受虐狂的不被承认。In this sense, sadism is merely the disavowal of masochism.

只有采用非常含糊的提法,才有可能达成协议,而这些提法往往因其含糊而引起后来的否认或分歧。Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavowal or disagreement.

否认无疑像其它更加浮夸的背叛的类型一样,动摇了有友谊的基础。And disavowal pulls the underpinnings away from a relationship just as surely as other more flamboyant types of betrayal.

提出了一个新的基于RSA的不可否认签名方案,该方案的确认协议和否认协议是三次传递的,因而提高了效率。A new RSAbased undeniable signature scheme was proposed which is more efficient because of its 3move confirmation and disavowal protocols.

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根据要求放弃专利申请起诉的原则,专利申请人可以在起诉期间通过明确而又不会被误释的对其适用范围的否认,来限定其要求保护的专有权利的含义。Under the doctrine of prosecution disclaimer, a patentee may limit the meaning of a claim term by making a clear and unmistakable disavowal of scope during prosecution.

华南虎在野外仍然存在,这是一个令人激动的消息,但是,坏消息却是,大巴山正遭受破坏,因为不承认那儿存在野生虎。It is exciting news that South China tigers are still surviving in the wild. But the bad news is that the mountain have being destroyed because disavowal of existence of wild tigers there.

六朝时对陶渊明品行反复探讨的一点,是他对阶级和财富的无视,这意味着一种对贪婪和欲望的克服,最终达到自我控制。A recurring point in Six Dynasties discussions of Tao's exemplary personality is his disavowal of rank and salary, which implies an overcoming of greed and desire, and finally, self-mastery.

学术的部分本来会更加明确地定义否认与垂直分裂的观念,相对于其它的防卫机制,并且提到研究的文献。The academic part would have liked more precise definitions of the concepts of disavowal and vertical split, as opposed to other defense mechanisms, and references to the research literature.

自民间不服从运动的开始,其中超过300人受到质疑警察和签订一个否定他们的精神压力,然后引导被释放。Since the beginning of the civil-disobedience movement, more than 300 of them have been questioned by police and pressured into signing a disavowal of their spiritual guide before being freed.