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仪式上的不洁也是暂时的。Ritual impurity is also impermanent.

这个世界是虚幻和短暂的。This kind of world is illusory and impermanent.

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世界变迁不已,并非是常久不变的。The world is in continuous flux and is impermanent.

所以,我们都应该有这样的智慧,了解生命的无常。So we have to have this wisdom that life is impermanent.

这样的事件提醒我们生活的无常本质。An event such as this reminds us of the impermanent nature of our lives.

我认为发生在这个世上的所有事件都是“虚幻和无常的”。I think all events happening in this world are " illusory and impermanent".

就在黑无常刚刚告退之时,宿舍门响了起来。At dark impermanent just pardoned to quit of, the apartment door rang to get up.

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你看,若是烦恼太多,计较太多,一样是招来无常的人生,苦患不断的一辈子。Having worries or issues will still bring us endless suffering in this impermanent life.

澳大利亚中部的降水填充了由昆士兰州延伸到南澳大利亚的临时性河流。Rains in central Australia filled impermanent rivers from Queensland to South Australia.

核武时代使我们陷入恐慌,我们的生命几近朝不保夕。The Atomic Age has caught us in a web of fear. Our lives seem so impermanent and uncertain.

身体是无常的,所以当疼痛发生时,我应该接受它,并且放下「痛」的念头。My body is impermanent so I need to accept the pain at that very moment and then let that thought go.

宇宙间只有一个永不改变的法则,那就是一切都在改变,一切都是无常。The law of the universe is only one it will never change, that's all changing, everything is impermanent.

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遍地黄沙的荒漠,干涸的河床与湖床中的沉积物——在伊拉克,这些沙尘源地的存在,为沙尘暴的发展壮大提供了极佳的条件。Sandy deserts, impermanent lakes, and riverbed sediments provide plentiful material for dust storms in Iraq.

白无常的工作让明涯看到了无限商机,他决定成立捉妖事务所。White impermanent work let Ming ya see the unlimited business opportunities, he decided to set up to catch demon firm.

他一直在寻找安全、永恒,而因为思想是不固定的,思想者就认为他自身是永恒的。He is ever seeking security, permanency, and as thoughts are impermanent the thinker thinks of himself as the permanent.

最高的智慧是看到万法无常无我的真相。真正的智慧不只是相信教义而是实践和了悟真相。The highest wisdom is seeing that in reality, all phenomena are incomplete, impermanent and do no constitute a fixed entity.

最新研究显示,“再次激活"记忆会使它有所变化,使它变得柔软可塑。Recent research has revealed that ‘reactivating’ a memory causes it to change form in the brain—it returns to a pliable, impermanent state.

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当你在家里享受了好几个月的那种安逸的生活,外出旅行,体验下漂泊不定的的生活是件非常有趣的事情。It's always interesting flowing back into the more nebulous, impermanent lifestyle of a traveler after having a home-base for several months.

我们要知道,如果我们可以「观身不净、观受是苦、观心无常、观法无我。」We should strive to contemplate that the body is impure, that feelings lead to suffering, that the minds is impermanent and that there is no self.

因为享受容易堕落,作人很无常,所以真正要启发菩提心,我们的觉性。Pleasures easily cause degeneration, and human life is very impermanent. Therefore, we must truly develop Bodhicitta, which is our enlightened nature.