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一吨二氧化碳的价格现在是28欧元。A tonne of carbon dioxide is now €28.

衣服吸了水,沉甸甸的,鞋子也好像有千斤重。My clothes were heavy, my shoes weighed a tonne.

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2吨的氧化铝约可生产1吨的电解铝.Two tonnes of alumina can produce one tonne of aluminium.

当时,每顿午饭肯定是在清华的食堂里面用的。At that time, certainly tonne lunch inside the cafeteria at Qinghua used.

来自埃及的伊曼-阿哈莫德-阿卜杜拉蒂伊被认为是当今世界上最胖的女人。An Egyptian woman weighing half a tonne is thought to be the fattest woman alive.

如今的伊拉克,每四吨水泥中就有一吨来自拉法基在伊拉克的工厂。In Iraq today, one tonne of cement in every four comes from Lafarge's Iraqi plants.

即期装船的现货棕榈油报价下跌15令吉,至每吨1,985令吉。Prompt shipment of palm oil spot pricing fell 15 ringgit to 1985 ringgit per tonne.

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雷克莱门斯保持着当前的记录,他在217次出场里取得了百场不失球记录。Ray Clemence holds the current record having reached a tonne of clean sheets in 217 outings.

同样,浦项钢铁的热轧钢卷也在以低于每吨400美元的离岸价格推向亚洲的出口市场。POSCO's HR coils, too, are put on sale at less than USD 400 per tonne FOB in export markets of Asia.

例如,处理一吨电子垃圾,能产生450克的黄金和200公斤铅。For example, processing one tonne of e-waste could yield 450 grams of gold and 200 kilograms of lead.

这个污水厂最近说它从一吨焚化污泥后的灰烬中提取了1,890克黄金。The facility recently recorded finding 1,890 grammes of gold per tonne of ash from incinerated sludge.

在F1比赛中,需要承受高达1吨的下压力,4g的侧向力以及5g的纵向力。In Formula One racing that means anything up to a tonne of downforce, 4g lateral loadings and 5g longitudinal loadings.

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软件仓库里的软件包实在是太多了,里面一定有我没发现的珍品。The repositories have a tonne of packages, many of which are probably buried gems that haven't been discovered for ages.

5公吨的混凝土块坐落于地面,与建筑的其余部分分离,使得一些实验室免震。A 5 tonne block of concrete sits in the ground, detached from the rest of the building, to make some labs vibration-free.

作为基准合约的2010年12月欧盟排放配额价格上周四每吨二氧化碳跌了0.7欧元,收于13.66欧元。EU Allowances for December 2010, The benchmark contract fell 70 cents per tonne of CO2 Thursday, settling at 13.66 euros.

位于科罗拉多州Lakewood的ZeaChem公司说它的技术可以将一吨源料转化出超过500升的生物乙醇。ZeaChem, based in Lakewood, Colorado, says its process can convert a tonne of feedstock into over 500 litres of bioethanol.

有人认为,胖人和瘦人相比,更应该因为排放更多的二氧化碳导致全球变暖而负责。Each fat person is said to be responsible for emitting a tonne more of climate-warming carbon dioxide per year than a thin one.

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提取的基因信息进一步证实,“摩亚”恐鸟以及重达半吨、高近10英尺的象鸟也就灭绝于数世纪前。Genetic material was pinpointed for the giant moa and 10ft tall, half tonne elephant birds that died out hundreds of years ago.

劣美闪亮的汽缸盖处装备了电池和电动机,足可驱动2.5公吨的大块铝。In place of a polished, gleaming cylinder-head there were batteries and electric motors to drive the 2.5 tonne aluminium giant.

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