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像这样的小玩意儿最有可能成为电子书销售下一个篇章的主角。Gizmos such as these are the likeliest heroes of the next chapter of electronic bookselling.

也有人认为ASDA,乐购和其他超市连锁快把独立图书销售业逼垮。Asda, Tesco and the supermarket chains are said to be draining the life out of independent bookselling.

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所以没有私人或者外资可以进入出版业、除了印刷和出售图书,”理查森解释道。So unlike, say, printing or bookselling , no private or foreign direct participation is allowed, " explains Richardson."

奥莱塔详细介绍了当亚马逊删除了麦克米伦的购买键时的后果,以及电子书在较大图书销售市场中所起的作用。Auletta details what happened when Amazon removed MacMillan's buy buttons and the role of e-books in the larger bookselling landscape.

在1975年,何曼思的爸爸在莱茵贝克东25公里的米勒开了最原始的欧布龙书店的时候,书本销售和现在截然不同。Bookselling was a different world in 1975, when Hermans' father opened the original Oblong Books in Millerton, N.Y., 25 miles east of Rhinebeck.

在1975年,何曼思的爸爸在莱茵贝克东25公里的米勒开了最原始的欧布龙书店的时候,书本销售和现在截然不同。Bookselling was a different world in 1975, when Hermans' father opened the original Oblong Books in Millerton, N. Y. , 25 miles east of Rhinebeck.

这一结果说明与电视行业相比,出版和书籍销售行业的盈利能力可能会下降。This result suggests that, compared with the television industry, the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability.

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它通过人与电子通信方式的结合,依靠计算机网络,以通讯技术为基础,实现图书销售的网上交易。Through the combination with electronic forms of communication, rely on computer networks for communications technology as a basis for the realization of the online bookselling transactions.

从长远来看,国际图书援助机构支持当地出版业和书籍交易的发展。可以制作一些反映当地语言和文化的廉价书。For the longer term, Book Aid International is supporting the growth of local publishing and bookselling so that affordable books can be produced which reflect the local languages and culture.

到明清时期,由于文学消费的形成,书商和出版业的发展开始围绕那些民众感兴趣的书租赁或出版,这样他们才能赚取更大的利润。As the forming of literature consumption during Ming and Qing Dynasties, the development of bookselling and publishing rented and published the books which people were interested to make more profits.