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霍尔先生天生是个饮食有度,不爱奢侈的人。Mr. Hall was naturally an abstemious man indifferent to luxury.

因此,孕妇吃冷饮一定要有所节制。Accordingly, pregnant woman has cold drink must somewhat abstemious.

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在所有的人中,他父亲是一个一生最最小心谨慎、处世中和,食用有节的人。His father, of all men, had lived a careful life, moderate, abstemious.

爱尔兰看似一位心脏病发作的有节制的慢跑者。Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack.

给出了一种智能化、经济型的仓库设计方案及货位和最佳路径选择算法。A design of an abstemious intelligent warehouse and best routing algorithm are given.

在美国大部分地方,那些尝试过简朴生活的人,已经看起来象怪物了。Already someone trying to live well would seem eccentrically abstemious in most of the US.

此外,还有很多戒酒相关组织也在宣扬提倡“饮酒节制,节制饮酒”。In addition, a lot of alcoholic abstinence organizations also convey and advocate Abstemious Drinking.

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节俭的伊斯兰教徒用茶或咖啡来“为聚会加入活力”或“做成生意”。The abstemious Mohammedan depends on it or coffee for 'adding life to the party' or 'putting through a deal.

为了可持续发展,人们在生产与消费上节制贪欲是一种美德。Develop to can last, people is abstemious on production and consumption concupiscent it is a kind of goodness.

故走生态工业化道路、建设节约型社会是唯一出路。Hence, the exclusive outlet is track the new type path of eco-industrialization and constructs abstemious society.

但是,这位牧师不会缩短他的布道,它是用来号召他的有节制的教区居民放弃人类的枷锁的啊。But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calling on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.

油腻或油炸的食物不容易消化,多吃还会使摄入的脂肪过多,应加以节制。Fat or the food of deepfry is not easy digest, the adiposity that eats to still can make absorb more, should try abstemious.

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夏季高温季节,呈半休眠状态,应节制浇水,放阴凉通风处。Summertime high temperature is seasonal, assume half dormancy position, should abstemious water, put shady and cool and ventilated part.

这些妇女还提及在理论上应该精神化并有节制的格鲁派僧侣之间“疯狂的”性行为。The women also mentioned the "rampant" sex that the supposedly spiritual and abstemious monks practiced with each other in the Gelugpa sect.

说自己长了青春痘的那些经常抽烟喝酒的挪威青少年并不比说自己长了青春痘的有节制的孩子们多。The Norwegian adolescents who said they regularly use alcohol and cigarettes were no more likely to report acne than those who were abstemious.

此外,白带异常的预防,首先应节制房事,注意月经期、妊娠期和产褥期的卫生。In addition, the precaution with unusual leucorrhoea, answer above all abstemious sex, notice the sanitation of menses, gestation and puerperium.

促进自然资源的节约利用,在理论上不能是自然资源有价值论,而只能恢复马克思地租理论在价格构成中的地位。To promote the abstemious usage of natural resource, the status of Marxist ground rent theory should be regained instead of axiology of natural resource.

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过度肥胖是一种疾病,必须节制饮食和接受治疗,然而这和歇斯底里的减重是两回事。Excessive and fat it is a kind of disease, must abstemious food and accept treatment, however this and be being decreased hysterically is two different matters again.

她们会认为性生活中的劳作和性生活后的疲乏,与体力劳动影响美貌的道理相同,故应节制性生活。They can think sexual life is medium work and after sexual life tired, as fine-looking as physical labor influence argument is same, reason should abstemious sexual life.

政治成本能否居于节约状态,本身就是检验其组织系统在学校履行政治功能绩效的主要参照系。Whether or not the political costs can be abstemious is by itself largely a frame of reference to check the performance of organization system performing political function.