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那个魔术师把鸟变没了。The conjurer magicked the bird away.

他目瞪口呆地望着魔术师。He looked at the conjurer in silent wonder.

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我们不作声惊讶地看着那魔法师。We looked at the conjurer in silent conjurer.

像魔法师实现我的梦想。Just like a conjurer who can realize my dream.

魔术家用变戏法从帽子里变出一只鸽子。The conjurer used magic to produce a dove from his hat.

魔术师的信誉一下子下降到最低点。The reputation of the conjurer was rapidly sinking below zero.

魔术师挥舞魔杖,从帽子里拉出一只兔子。The conjurer waved his magic wand and pulled a rabbit out of the hat.

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魔术师挥动魔棒,便从帽子里拉出一只兔子。The conjurer waved his magic wand and pulled a rabbit out of the hat.

如同魔术师变出白兔一样,我则掏出一颗孤独寂寞的心来。Then, like a conjurer with his white rabbit, I produced the solitary heart.

他们看着我,就想看着魔术师变戏法一样。They were watching me as they would watch a conjurer about to perform a trick.

魔术师把表扔进臼里,从桌子上拿起一把大锤。The conjurer threw the watch into the mortar and grasped a sledgehammer from the table.

当魔法师伸出手触摸他火热的额头,怒火点燃了这孩子的双眼。As the Conjurer reaches out to touch his fevered brow, a burning fire ignites in the child's eyes.

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一个魔术师旅行到有序空间的一个地方时,就会唤醒肯定在这里的某本书。A conjurer travels to a place in the space and there awakens the particular book that must rest there.

那么技能法术是在角色的一生中是如何增长的,比如魔术师或召唤师的宠物?What about spells and arts that currently grow throughout a character's life, such as conjurer and necromancer pets?

提到魔法,摩尔练魔术,他自阿莱斯特克劳利和大卫布莱恩得知他的金色曙光。Moore is a practicing conjurer who knows his Hermetic Order of theGolden Dawn from his Aleister Crowley and David Blaine.

这件作品与一系列绘画有关。在系列画中,魔术师以其艺术家般的风格和创作的困境而闻名。The work relates to a series of painting in which the conjurer is identified with the artist and the creative predicament.

你牺牲给第二个异能的造妖,并不仅限于傀儡咒法师所放置进场的造妖衍生物。The Homunculus you sacrifice due to the second ability isn't limited to being a Homunculus token put into play by Puppet Conjurer.

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巫师就是一个例证,这是一个吊诡的传说,一个巫师正试图说服观众他正在从嘴里拽出蟾蜍和青蛙。An example is The Conjurer, an extraordinary tale of a conjurer trying to persuade the spectator that he's pulling toads or frogs out of his mouth.

在50年代,当电视第一次吸引我们的注意力时,魔术师Cardinni是那个年代的头条新闻和模仿最多的魔术师。In the 1950s, when it first truly captured our attention, the conjurer Cardini was a headline attraction and the most imitated magician of his day.

首先,一开始你可以先和鲨鱼同游,五分钟之后,再到传奇魔术师哈里·胡迪尼的桌球台上打桌球。For a start, where else can you swim with the sharks and, five minutes later, be playing pool on conjurer legend Harry Houdini's original billiards table?