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在日本,木偶戏的传统可以追溯到几百年前。In Japan, the tradition of bunraku puppetry dates back hundreds of years.

了解如何在文乐木偶手臂控制在这个自由木偶教训作品从专家木偶。Learn how a Bunraku puppet arm control works in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

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了解如何从一个专家为一文乐木偶傀儡手臂控制在这个自由木偶握教训。Learn how to make a grip for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

了解如何添加来自专家的文乐木偶木偶木偶教训在这个自由的标记手臂控制指南。Learn how to add guide markings for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

了解如何粘合起来的文乐木偶戏傀儡在这个自由的教训从专家木偶手臂控制部件。Learn how to glue together parts for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

了解如何联合起来在这个自由木偶木偶教训,从一专家为文乐木偶手臂控制管。Learn how to join together tubes for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

学习如何准备演习,使从专家木偶一文乐木偶戏傀儡在这个自由的教训手臂控制。Learn how to prepare a drill to make a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

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了解如何将一起在这个自由切换木偶教训一文乐木偶手臂控制从专家木偶。Learn how to put together toggle for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

文乐木偶剧正是从木偶剧发展起来的,在全世界被公认为是最复杂的木偶剧类型。It was from puppet theater that bunraku developed—widely considered the most sophisticated type of puppet theater in the world.

由“三味线”演奏的音乐。“三味线”是一种只有三根弦的弹拨乐器。“歌舞伎”和“文乐木偶戏”的伴奏也是用“三味线”。Music played with the instrument shamisen a kind of guitar with only three strings. kabuki and bunraku performances are accompanied by the shamisen.

由“三味线”演奏的音乐。“三味线”是一种只有三根弦的弹拨乐器。“歌舞伎”和“文乐木偶戏”的伴奏也是用“三味线”。Music played with the instrument Shamisen , a kind of guitar with only three strings. Kabuki and Bunraku performances are accompanied by the shamisen.