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他死于过分劳累。He died from overwork.

他因过度工作累倒了。He dropped with overwork.

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当心不要过分劳累。Don't overwork that excuse.

他因过度工作累倒了。Overwork does harm to health.

你不要过分劳累。Perhaps you suffer from overwork.

他们被过度的工作拖住了。They were bogged down by overwork.

她的病是操劳过度引起的。Her illness was induced by overwork.

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还有一个建议,不要过度工作。I have another idea. Don't overwork.

他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。His health is endangered by overwork.

或许你是工作过度了。Perhaps you've suffered from overwork.

但注意不要操劳过度。But take care not to overwork yourself.

他因过分劳累和焦虑而精疲力竭。He is played out by overwork and worry.

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因操劳过度他滴身体垮下来了。His body broke down because of overwork.

过度劳累搞垮了他的身体。Overwork is the ruination of his health.

好好休息——过度劳累是创造力的杀手。Get lots of rest. Overwork kills creativity.

肺结核病可以由于过度劳累而复发。Tuberculosis can be reactivated by overwork.

你只不过是有点劳累过度。You are just a little exhausted from overwork.

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因为工作过度,工人向老板诉苦。Workers complain to the boss of their overwork.

他死于劳累过度引起的心脏病发作。He died of a heart attack brought on by overwork.

他太操劳过度以致最后病倒了。So hard did he overwork that he fell ill at last.