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这只会引起报复。This will only invite retaliation.

报复只会升高施霸凌者的侵犯气焰。Retaliation only escalates a bully's aggression.

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至今,中国方面的报复行动也是有分寸的。And China’s retaliation so far has been measured.

这种战略也有遭到报复的风险。This strategy also carries the risk of retaliation.

但是他也冒着受幼兽母亲袭击的风险。However, it runs the risk of retaliation by the mother.

如果中国不重估其货币,另一个替代方案就是报复手段。If China won't revalue, the alternative is retaliation.

他们一定知道,他们会面临毁灭性的报复。They must know that they'd face annihilating retaliation.

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那律师说,「怕他的同党寻仇吗?」Asked the lawyer, "Afraid of retaliation from his cronies?"

死刑执行者及审判官也穿戴面具,预防被罪犯报复。Executioners and judges have worn masks to avoid retaliation.

不过以色列已经为某种形式的报复做好了准备。But Israel had been bracing itself for some form of retaliation.

受害者常因害怕报复而不愿起诉。Victims often are reluctant to complain, for fear of retaliation.

公司内部之间的报复到头来对谁都没有好处。Retaliation in an intracompany operationis not beneficial to anyone.

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律师们不愿意向同行挑战,害怕报复。Lawyers were reluctant to challenge their peers, fearing retaliation.

因此,上周青年党曾威胁要对该国进行打击报复。Last week Aushebarb warned it would strike the country in retaliation.

但复仇的危险在于冤冤相报,暴力永存。But the danger of retaliation lies in furthering the cycle of violence.

中国可能会允许它升值的更高,从而延缓美国的报复。China may be allowing it to drift higher to stave off American retaliation.

吉塔是惟一一个我打了不还手的大活人。Geeta is the only living creature I have been able to slap without retaliation.

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不过那条龙也咬掉了老乔治的双腿做为报复。Do not cross bite off of that Long Ye the double leg of old George as retaliation.

在今天发生炸弹袭击的地方,愤怒的青年高喊要报仇雪恨。At the scene of today's bombing, angry young men called for revenge and retaliation.

针对受害人的报复行为很常见,特别是针对举报人或原告。Retaliation and backlash against a victim are very common, particularly a complainant.