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苍穹为虚无关阖。Space closes up into nothingness.

人在无物中变得贫穷。Man goes a-beggaring into nothingness.

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颠簸在奚落与嘈杂的虚无之中Into the nothingness of scorn and noise

直到爱与虚名化为乌有沉寂无声。Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

这一切将不存在。All of these will dissolve into nothingness.

我的生命实存的超越,首先就是空无。The beyond of my being is first of all nothingness.

舷窗外是一片灰黄无趣的景象。And out the window just this yellow-gray nothingness.

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丝毫无心,犹如空气带着清澄的虚空。Without a meaning, like air in its clear nothingness.

每个经验在这种情况下都是一种进入虚无的跳跃。Every experience is in this case a leap into nothingness.

解脱是如来而如来是虚无。Emancipation is the Tathagata and the Tathagata nothingness.

一秒钟的极乐,然后——尘土,灰烬,一切成空。A second of ecstasy, and after that—dust, ashes, nothingness.

而虚无只有在畏和死之中才能被经验到。But nothingness can only be found by feeling of dread and death.

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天生我才必有用,所谓的英雄是不存在的!There is no such thing as nothingness , and zero does not exist.

我知道,所有的掌声和喝彩,都不过是一场场风花雪月的虚无。I know, all the applause and cheers, but is a romantic themes of nothingness.

船舱内一切正常,而舱外是一片虚无。All is well inside the cabin. But outside it is a vast expanse of nothingness.

有一种备受争议的观点认为,死亡降临,随之而来的就是虚无。A rather controversial point argues that when death comes, nothingness follows.

萨特早期哲学中内含的美学是一种虚无论美学。Satre s aesthetics of nothingness was included in his philosophy of nothingness.

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这是那些被迫每天面对荒谬和虚无的人们所承受的压力。It is the stress of people compelled, every day, to deal with absurdity and nothingness.

“本来无一物”,是南禅左派般若哲学的“民族唱法”和“通俗唱法”。"Nothingness" is the "national chanting", and "popular chanting" of the Bore philosophy.

设想一下你再次意识到自己终将回归虚无时而要饱受的内心煎熬吧。Just think of that next time you suffer angst about your impending return to nothingness.