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是全国优质天然紫胶的原产地。Is the high-quality natural shellac origin.

这种涂料是虫胶与酒精的混合物。The coating was a mixture of shellac and alcohol.

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你能用油漆刷子应用罐装虫漆。You can apply canned shellac with a disposible paint brush.

她想给这张桌子上虫胶漆,以防止它受水渍的影响。She wanted to shellac the desk to protect it from water spots.

分析了紫胶产业发展前景。Meantime, it predicts the vision for shellac industry development.

紫胶色素是应用最广泛天然色素之一。The shellac pigment is one of the most extensive natural pigments.

它开始取代橡胶、虫胶和杜仲胶,用作绝缘材料。It went on to replace rubber, shellac and guttapercha as an insulator.

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凭借与技巧虫胶从实验的艺术家在这个自由设计视频。Experiment with shellac with tips from an artist in this free design video.

使用虫胶,与技巧,从设计媒体艺术家在这个自由设计视频。Use shellac as a design media with tips from an artist in this free design video.

虫胶是用来作为设计质感,因为它排斥油墨来创建一个粗糙表面。Shellac is used as a design texture because it repels ink to create a textured surface.

像机车专用抛光研磨剂就会穿透原本很薄的虫胶漆层。An abrasive such as automotive rubbing compound will remove the very thin shellac finish.

记住我们已经配好了2磅配制的虫胶漆,因此应该可以马上开始了。Remember that we have already mixed a2 pound cut of shellac and should be ready to proceed.

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贝克兰-许多人称之为“贝克兰博士”-首先难以处理的事是紫胶价格的上涨。The initial tease for Baekeland---- Doc Baekeland " to many-was the rising cost of shellac."

虫胶问题是世纪交替之际化学研究一个热点课题。The shellac issue was one of the hot topics of chemical research at the turn of the century.

当胶木用作砂轮中虫胶的专利替代品时,另一项创新出现了。Another innovation came when Bakelite was patented as a replacement for shellac in grinding wheels.

有的,有许多种树脂可以添到虫胶里帮助硬化,所以被看作虫胶漆的硬化剂。Yes, there are a number of resins that can be added to shellac which are considered finish hardeners.

虫胶是用来作为设计质感了湿墨,因为它可以创建循环设计滴。Shellac is used as a design texture because it can be dripped into wet ink to create circular designs.

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他给内奥米房间的桌子涂过虫漆,换过有缺口的瓷砖,陪海伦娜在乔伊斯基尔默公园散步。He’d shellac the desk in Naomi’s room, repair a chipped tile, take Helena for walks in Joyce Kilmer Park.

1907年,虫漆已被广泛用于早期电子产品的内部元件绝缘,例如半导体和电话。In1907, shellac was commonly used to insulate the innards of earlyelectronics—think radios and telephones.

因此油不要用多,否则可能会被虫胶“围”在下面透不出来而有损漆的质量。It is therefore important to use only oil that will not get trapped under the shellac and destroy the finish.