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你是说我的小海象?。You mean my pet baby walrus?

老海象突然大声地喷着鼻息。The walrus snorted suddenly and loudly.

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海象的主要休息地为冰面或陆地。Walrus need either ice or land to rest.

但它还在挑战似地望着怒吼的海象。He looked defiantly at the bellowing walrus.

海象的头骨单独地坐落在布满野花的旷野里。A walrus skull sits alone in a field of wildflowers.

海象的外形是从海牛物种里演化而成。The shape of Walrus evolved out of the Manatee species.

海象以蛤蜊、蜗牛和其他海底生物为食。Walrus feed on clams, snails and other bottom dwellers.

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他的海象胡子在笑眯眯的嘴巴上抖动着。His great walrus mustache curved above his beaming mouth.

那只老海象慢慢地转过头来,睁开了眼睛。The old walrus turned her head slowly and opened her eyes.

乔治克拉克是一个有着海象一样胡须脸上刮得很干净的男人。George Clark was a clean-cut-looking man with a large walrus mustache.

他穿着高及膝盖的皮护腿,留着海象般的八字胡,真是个古怪的老家伙。He is the queer old duck with the knee-length gaiters and walrus mustache.

格卢利克附近,一头大西洋海象冲着照像机吼叫。An Atlantic walrus bellows toward the camera near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

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加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近,一头大西洋海象冲着照像机吼叫。An Atlantic walrus bellows toward the camera near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

他们在岸上停留了有一个星期光景,我们这些人呆在老‘瓦鲁斯’号上。They was ashore nigh on a week, and us standing off and on in the old WALRUS.

他们在岸上停留了有一个星期光景,我们这些人呆在老‘瓦鲁斯’号上。They were ashore nigh on a week, and us standing off and on in the old Walrus.

如果老板是个混蛋,不如狂吃包巧克力的海象肉吧?If the boss is a creep, why not run wild on the chocolate-covered walrus blubber?

海象妈妈非常体贴,时不时地拥抱或爱抚它们的宝贝。Walrus mothers are extremely nurturing, constantly hugging and nuzzling their babies.

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海象母亲非常尽职地抚育小海象,经常拥抱和抚摸它们的婴儿。Walrus mothers are extremely nurturing, constantly hugging and nuzzling their babies.

加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近冰排上,一头大西洋母海象照顾着她的小海象。A mother Atlantic walrus watches over her pup on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

沃特金斯先生摸着海象式的胡子,正靠近一枝蜡烛在读一份一个月以前的旧报纸。Mr Watkins, smoothing his walrus moustache, stood near a candle reading a month-old newspaper.