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一个小背心可能会非常棘手,如果有褶边。A camisole can be tricky if it has ruffles.

你可以用女装背心和舒服的长裤来搭配。Match the top with a camisole and comfy pants.

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在吊带背心步骤,把最适合的。Step in the camisole to put on for the best fit.

你觉得我这件蕾丝小背心怎样?我今天才买的。How do you like this camisole? I just bought it today.

了解如何在这个自由折叠衣物护理的视频背心。Learn how to fold a camisole in this free clothing care video.

她穿着一条翩翩白裙和印花布紧身衣。She'sdressed in a floaty white skirt and a cotton print camisole.

你的吊带或者裤子可以通过搀进一些相同的色彩来搭配。Match the print to your camisole or trouser by working in the same color family.

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将衬裙与同样色彩和质地的蕾丝小背心相配将使你看起来有古典丰韵的甜美。Matching drawers with a camisole of the same color and fabric will look classically sweet.

她穿着打扮很仔细讲究。她穿上了一件白色的内衣,又套了一件黑色的星期日礼服。She dressed her tiny self carefully, donning a clean white camisole and her black Sunday frock.

我躺到检查床上,那天我穿的是一件大的彩格法兰绒衬衣,里面穿件贴身背心。I lay down on the examining table. I'd worn a big plaid flannel shirt and a camisole underneath.

彩格会掩饰我现在的胸形,背心对胸能起到保护作用,衬衣上的纽扣设计使得比较方便进行身体检查。The plaid camouflaged my new chest, the camisole protected it and the buttons on the shirt made for easy medical access.

另类的你偏爱时尚的牛仔装扮和50年代流行的运动鞋。You love unique and off-beat clothing styles, and you look great with retro bell bottom jeans and 50’s high top sneakers, topped off with a racy camisole.

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身上穿着宽大的彩格呢法兰绒衬衫和贴身小背心,对于这套精心挑选的服饰,我却希望在外人看来是种随意的便装。I'd worn a big plaid flannel shirt and a camisole underneath. It was a carefully thought out costume that I hoped others would regard as a casual wardrobe choice.

该公司称这款内衣「对地球与人类友善」,主要是因为内衣上有可移动式的太阳能嵌板,可用来产生电力。The camisole bra, which the company calls it as "earth and human friendly", features a solar panel which can display messages on the removable small electric board when the cell generates electricity.