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她怯怯地从他的胳膊中抽出手来。She withdrew her hand timidly form his arm.

我战战兢兢地告诉莱尼我的鞋扣开了。I timidly told Lenny that my clasps were open.

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孩子怯生生地瞟了一眼怒气冲冲的父亲。The child glanced at his angry father timidly.

我小心的走进商场中央。I walked into the center of the bazaar timidly.

我胆怯着走到集市中间。I walked into the centre of the bazaar timidly.

那男孩怯生生地问能否看一下这本书。The boy asked timidly if he might see the book.

她小心翼翼地敲了敲书房门然后进去了。She knocked timidly on the study door and entered.

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“张铁嘴怎么说的?”胡太太惴惴的问。"What did Chang Tieh-tsui say?" she asked timidly.

给,我没有别的可捐了。她羞怯地补充说。Here it is, I have nothing else to give, she added timidly.

看到你握紧了你的双拳不再疲软。I saw your making a fist no longer wearisomely and timidly.

“你觉得能想些别的办法吗?”她怯生生地鼓起勇气问道。"Do you think you can get something else?" she ventured, timidly.

小男孩胆怯地走向前去,握住里奥的手。E. g. The little boy stepped forward timidly and shook Leo's hand.

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我指着墓碑,怯怯地解释着,“那就是我的妈妈。”I timidly explained, pointed to the tombstone. "That's my mother."

这些国家中有很多正小心翼翼地向多党民主制发展。A number of these states are moving timidly towards multi-party democracy.

于是,我怯怯地去找父亲,不想屋里屋外到处找都找不到。So, I timidly find father, did not want the house was nowhere to be found.

在面对敌人时,不管你有没有信心,都不能露出胆怯。While facing the enemy, whe ther you had confidence, can't emerge timidly.

躲在妈妈身后的两个孩子也担心会遭到拒绝,胆怯地望着女掌柜。Hide behind her mother 's two children also fear of rejection, timidly looked at the cashier.

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她怯生生地伸出自己的手,非常柔和地抚平他眼边的直的黑头发。Her own hand went out timidly and very lightly smoothed the straight black hair out of his eyes.

其他的长老一个接一个怯生生地站起来,提出了一些不关痛痒的要求,拉姆全热情地接纳了。One by one the other elders now timidly rise with innocuous requests, which rahm receives warmly.

尽管缅甸警卫部队杀死一名日本新闻记者,而日本反应怯懦。Despite the killing of a Japanese journalist by Burmese security forces, Japan has reacted timidly.