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的确,这次罢工似乎蓄谋已久。Indeed, there was almost an element of choreography in the strike.

自由体操的常规动作是伴随着音乐进行的。The floor exercise routines are performed to music with choreography.

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另一方面动作不依赖于中央协调器。Choreography on the other hand does not rely on a central coordinator.

当今,舞蹈编排已成为诸多表演艺术的重要组成部分。Today, choreography is an essential component of many performing arts.

火枪的编队射击很重要,所以我们给于了更多的关注。The choreography of musket fire is important, so that gets a lot of attention.

所以,我认为服务编排是生机勃勃的,但我不想把它和BPM混在一起。So I think choreography is alive and well. But I wouldn't conflate that with BPM.

1998年毕业于以瓦加诺娃命名的俄罗斯模范舞蹈学院。He graduated from Russian Academic Choreography Academy named after Vaganova in 1998.

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姚弦,山西太原人,现就读于北京舞蹈学院编导系。Yao Xian, Shanxi native, is currently studying choreography at Beijing Dance Academy.

我将编排视为一种点对点形式的交互,因为不存在所谓的“指挥”。I view choreography as a form of peer-to-peer interaction because there is no "conductor".

这个视频里领舞是萨拉,她是非常合适的一个编舞。And lead dancer for this version was Sarah Regner who is perfectly suited adventure choreography.

舞蹈需要良好的身体素质,此外,学习舞蹈会有一定的精神压力。”谭元元说道。Dance is physically demanding and there is mental stress to learn the choreography , " she says."

他们有很多不同的元素,从编舞到这种有灯光的着装,以及先进科技。They have so many different components, from the choreography to the suits that have to light up.

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该部分慢节奏的套路动作编排可以让你的肌肉得到不间断的负重锻炼。The slower-tempo choreography keeps the muscles engaged and moving under load with no time to rest.

在成熟的以性含沙射影的舞蹈中,奥库尼扮演男性角色,男人扮演女性角色。Okuni danced male roles and men danced female roles in a choreography often ripe with sexual innuendo.

不过,与通过服务编排完成的组合相比,这种组合的灵活性要略逊一筹。This composition, however, will be less flexible than if the composition were a choreography of services.

PIP是进行特定业务活动的标准消息和choreography的规范。The PIPs are specifications for standard messages and choreography to conduct a specific business activity.

开设舞蹈表演、舞蹈教育、舞蹈编创、舞蹈学等专业方向。The concentrations on Dance Performance, Dance Education, Choreography and Dance Studies, etc. are offered.

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简述了面向编钟乐舞的虚拟角色的动作库制作过程。It is simply introduced the course of the motion database on a virtual model for the Bianzhong choreography.

应用程序架构的评估要考虑业务流程和精编功能。The architecture of the application is evaluated with respect to business process and choreography function.

在某些情况下,在部署之前还要用一些额外的信息更新生成的编排。In some cases, the generated choreography has to be updated with some additional information before deployed.