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他有婚外恋。He has an extramarital affair.

我认为一切婚外恋都是贪欲的产物。I think all extramarital love is the outcome of greed.

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三分之一的离婚案件都是因此而起。One third of divorces are the result of extramarital affairs.

当今的职业生涯为婚外情提供了众多的机会。Today's careers offer more opportunity for extramarital affairs.

从某种意义上说,婚外恋缘于责任感缺乏。In a sense, extramarital love results from lack of responsibility.

几乎每对夫妇都打来过电话,说他/她们有婚外的性关系。Almost every couple who call in say they have extramarital relations.

第三者插足构成侵权行为并不以婚外性行为为必要条件。An action for alienation of affection does not require proof of extramarital sex.

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偷偷告诉他老婆他有外遇的事是暗箭伤人。It was hitting below the belt to tell his wife about his extramarital affairs secretly.

存在婚前,婚外性行为和多性伴现象。They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners.

当宋晓英知道了丈夫竟有婚外情,果断离婚。Knew when Song Xiaoying the husband has extramarital affair unexpectedly, decisive divorce.

彼得曼还把他的偷情约会服务和给青少年发避孕套作类比。He also made an analogy between his extramarital dating service and handing out condoms to teens.

成熟的女人在发现丈夫有婚外恋的首先自我反省。Mature woman refelects on herself the moment she discovers her husband has an extramarital affair.

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私通的爱情总是不能天长地久的,只有罩上了神秘的外衣,自己才能心安理得。Extramarital love always can't last forever, only cover the mysterious appearance, can feel at ease.

一名中国演员和妻子离婚,称其妻有婚外情,现已引起了社会媒体哗然一片。Chinese actor's divorce from his wife, over her alleged extramarital affair, has social media buzzing.

近半人接受婚前性行为,约五分一人认为婚外情可接受。Nearly half approve of premarital sex and nearly one in five think that extramarital sex is acceptable.

法律可以对婚外性行为予以调整,但配偶权的设置并不能完成这一任务。The extramarital sexual relation can be regulated by law, but not through the setting of the right of spouses.

当前,我国每年约有40万个家庭解体,其主要原因就是婚外恋。There are about 400,000 disintegrating families per year in China, which has resulted from extramarital affairs.

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在其他女性性伙伴以及有婚外性行为的已婚应征士兵中,也可以看到相同的发展模式。The same pattern is visible with other female sex partners and among married conscripts who have extramarital sex.

而婚外同居是违法行为,不应列入非婚同居的范畴。However, extramarital cohabitation, which is different from non-marital cohabitation, is a kind of illegal activity.

说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔扶养费。To say his wife has extramarital relationship with others can help him not to pay his wife a large amount of alimony.