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要啤酒还是鲜榨橙汁?Beer? Orange squash?

我会将你像壁球一样打。I like to squash you.

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瓜叶上的小蜻蜓。Little dragonfly on squash leaf.

用抹刀,翻炒。Using spatula, turn squash over.

我喜欢打网球和壁球。I enjoy playing tennis and squash.

用你的巨脚把我踩扁吗?Squash me with your gigantic feet?

那时壁球打得不错。I was playing squash at that time.

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清除掉像虫子一样的消极思想。Squash negative thoughts like a bug.

且不说这个,他很喜欢挤真理的气泡吗?He loves to squash capsules of truth?

做一道乐佩公主拿手的南瓜榛子汤。Make Rapunzel's Squash & Hazelnut Soup.

西葫芦新品种京葫1号的选育。A new summer squash f1hybrid-'jinghu no.

我现在能像拍虫子一样把你拍个稀巴烂。I could squash you like a bug right now.

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还有地方塞下我的旅行袋吗?Is there any room to squash my traveller?

好的,那壁球场会建在哪儿?Yes, and where would the squash courts be?

我种玉米、西红市、土豆和南瓜。I grow corn, tomatoes, potatoes and squash.

她喜爱的消遣是回力球与跳舞。Her favorite pastimes are squash and dancing.

也可能是其他东西,像壁球拍。It could be something like this a squash racquet.

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该店还提供豆豉汤配节瓜花色拉。Bean soup served alongside a squash blossom salad.

将南瓜拌油然后加入茴香等香料。Set aside. Toss squash with oil, then cumin mixture.

他想把四件行李全塞进后备箱。He tried to squash four pieces of luggage into the boot.