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我已把自己劳动奉献给艰苦的工作。I have had my labor for my travail.

神的最大赐予,都要经过了苦痛方能得到。God's greatest gifts come through travail.

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这也是虚空,是极重的劳苦。This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.

他通过艰辛的努力获得了奖牌。He gained the medal through his painful travail.

他们在那里被战兢疼痛抓住,好像产难的妇人一样。Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a woman in travail.

我小子阿,我为你们再受生产之苦,直等到基督成形在你们心里。My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you

他身穿无袖汗衫和蓝色棉布工作裤,脚上套着双地毯拖鞋。He was wearing a sleeveless vest, cotton bleu de travail trousers, and carpet slippers.

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对于他们艰苦的探求所带来的结果,这两类人都不怀疑或者否认。In neither of these classes was doubt or denial the outcome of the travail of their quest.

在走上街头的抗议者里,很可能没人会把本国的经济阵痛与华盛顿联系起来。Probably few of the protesters in the streets connect their economic travail to Washington.

他们被称作神的子民,忍受了比其它任何民族更多的动乱与痛苦。Called to be the people of God, they have endured more turmoil and travail than any other people.

满了一把,得享安静,强如满了两把,劳碌捕风。Better is an handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit.

利用VSP转换波旅行时,通过迭代可得到较为精确的横波层速度。The more precise S-wave interval velocity can be obtained by using travail times of VSP converted wave and iteration.

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用了几天的苦工,我盖起一座庙宇。这庙里门窗,墙壁是用层石厚厚地垒起的。With days of hard travail I raised a temple. It had no doors or windows, its walls were thickly built with massive stones.

他也想使动力织机运转,但在他的种种艰苦努力之后,织机只生产了一小块土里土气的毛巾就停止转动。He had also wanted power- looms to work, but after all His travail only one little country towel was born, and then the loom stopped.

摩西从加低斯差遣使者去见以东王,说,你的弟兄以色列人这样说,我们所遭遇的一切艰难And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh unto the king of Edom, Thus saith thy brother Israel, Thou knowest all the travail that hath befallen us

2009年宗教副本手表除了劳动正在瑞士制造的手表美洲精神释放副本豪雅表独家2000自动男士手表WN2110。Religion replica watches 2009 release besides the travail being swiss made watches Americas spirit is the replica Tag Heuer Exclusive 2000 Automatic Mens Watch WN2110.

“权力归于个人”,这就是1857年人们所秉持的信念,而人类社会经历了一个半世纪的阵痛与种种劫难,并无更好的理念最终存留下来。Empowerment of the individual was the idea in 1857, and after a century and a half of travail and misadventure among human societies, there is no better idea left standing.

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教育的责任是培养新一代的人类,让他们的精神和内心从痛苦、焦虑和辛劳中解脱出来,而我们总是倾向于忘记或忽视这一点。One is apt to forget or disregard the responsibility of the educator to bring about a new generation of human beings who are psychologically, inwardly free of miseries, anxieties and travail.

这一成功升级的背后,总经理陈泽康先生带领的团队付出了怎样的辛劳、做出了怎样卓有成效的工作、有怎样的宝贵经验以资垂范。Behind the curtain of the successful upgrade, what travail has Mr. Philip Chan and his team gone through?What achievements have they realized and what valuable experience have they accumulated?