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信息性和交互性站点如何区分How informational and interactional sites differ

镜子是一个有关信息回路的妙喻。The mirror is a clever metaphor for informational circuits.

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这些消息可以是错误、警告或信息消息。The messages can be errors, warnings, or informational messages.

识别说明文的明显特征。Recognizing the distinguishing features of informational articles.

控制器事件,电源恢复联机。信息性消息。Controller Event, Power Supply Back On-line. Informational message.

以获得乐趣或获取信息为目地阅读说明文。Reading informational texts for pleasure or to learn new information.

现代教学媒体的选择是实现信息化教育的重要一环。Modern Educational media is a dey link in realizing informational education.

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将个人经历和非小说类说明文联系起来。Making a connection between personal experience and nonfiction, informational text.

链信息记录了录音带和书面USANA的几篇文章。Strand has recorded informational audio tapes and written several articles for USANA.

小憩之后,“存储记忆的海马结构信息箱将会被清理。”After a nap, “Your hippocampal informational inbox of memory email is now cleared out.”

然而,此外,还远没有达到自动化和报告上的受益。In addition, however, there are more far-reaching automation and informational benefits.

它先是创建一个请求对象,然后再弹出一个信息消息框。It begins by creating a request object and then popping up an informational message box.

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运用多媒体技术是实施档案信息化服务和管理的必然选择。Using multi-media is the inevitable choice of the informational service and arrangement.

编译过程中禁止显示版权标志和通知消息。Suppresses display of the copyright banner and informational messages during compilation.

这就是人物信息定位在现实生活中的一种风水现象反映。Why ? This is the reflection of Fengshui to people informational orientation in real life.

使用图片的必须是为了提供资讯、个人使用,和非商业目的。Your use of the information is for informational , personal, and noncommercial purposes only.

这个桌面主屏幕在左边具有信息性内容,在右边有一个登录区域。The desktop home screen has informational content to the left and a sign-in area to the right.

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在诸多因素的影响下,会计信息系统存在着很多潜在的安全风险。Because of many factors, the accounting informational system is under latent trouble constently.

说明与其他网站的链接是否纯属提供信息或是带有认可性质。Indicate whether links to other sites are informational only or if such links imply endorsement.

信息性站点不应成为最耀眼、最性感、功能最全的站点。Informational sites shouldn't try to be the flashiest, sexiest, most fully-featured sites around.