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这个呼叫由前沿空中管制官或近距离空中支援飞机发出。This call is given either by the FAC or the CAS Aircraft.

抽烟是导致癌症的一个主要因素。Cigarette smoking is a major fac tor contributing to cancer.

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为此,本文针对失效评定曲线的随机性进行了研究。Therefore in this paper the randomness of the FAC has been studied.

在脊髓型颈椎病的阻尼修正系数是固定的,以订明的价值。In the CSM, the damping modification fac tor is fixed to a prescribed value.

结合肤色和人脸椭圆形状来检测彩色图像、复杂背景中人脸区域。It uses skin color information and shape of ellipse to locate fac e candidates.

在身处北京的厂长的监督下,从事营销管理工作。To work for sales administration under the supervision of FAC manager in Beijing.

迟来的真相,就像。忽然击中头部的马蹄铁,哎,痛啊!。Late come of true fac. ts, be like suddenly horseshoe, ah of shooting the head, pa. in!.

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FAC具有价格低廉、无毒副作用、造影效果良好等优点,是较理想的MR口服造影剂。Therefore, FAC is an effective, inexpensive oral MR contrast agent with no side effects.

了解其在病理上的形态学变化,可以使我们更容易了解并侦测到其在电脑断层上之特徵。Understanding the pathologic change of FAC may help recognize the characteristic CT findings of FAC.

无论怎样,我们都不希望在未来的某一天,我们在地球上见到的动物就是我们自己。But anyway, we would not like to watch the fac , some day, that the animals we will see are ourselves.

“泓瀚针织内衣厂”期待与您的合作,创造双赢!Honghan Knitting Underwear Fac tory is looking forward to your cooperation, and to a win-win situation!

在近距离空中支援和前线空中管制任务当中,“摩尔少校解释说,”我们使用目标吊舱和我们的眼睛来寻找目标。"In CAS and FAC missions, " Moore explains, "we use the targeting pod and our eyeballs to find targets.

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那是多么美好的日子啊,学生和老师之间的关系非常融洽。Those were magnificent days in which there was a kind of a high-quality relation between student and fac.

迷宫堰作为一种实用高效的特殊堰型,它在不改变泄水宽度的情况下,可大幅度提高过流能力。As for the straight-labyrinth weir, the flow pattern character, the discharge capacity and its effecting fac.

飞行员必须发出一个“打开激光”的命令给前沿空中管制官以指示目标。Laser designator has been switched off. Aircraft must give a "Laser on" command for the FAC to designate again.

激光指示器关闭。飞行员必须发出一个“打开激光”的命令给前沿空中管制官以指示目标。Laser designator has been switched off. Aircraft must give a " Laser on" command for the FAC to designate again.

经济预测中发生主要影响因素改变时,若采用通常的预测方法会因历史数据过少而出现较大误差。When some main fac tors change, there is uncertainty in economic forecast if the forecast method is used as usual.

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羊舍类型对绵羊日增重、采食量无显著影响,添加脂肪酸钙也不影响绵羊总采食量。Both ADG and feed intake were not effected by the pen types, and FAC also did not affect the total feed intake of sheep.

背后的橡木房屋外墙的想法是一间房屋和建筑物的公共部分明确分工。The idea behind the oak wood housing fac?ade was a clear division between the housing and the public part of the building.

本机体积小、重量轻、便于携带,适合于医院、疗养院、工厂医务室、农村卫生所等单位。The instrument is small, light and easy to carry, applicable to hospitals, Sanatoriums and clinics in fac tory and countryside.